WTS - Rorq Pilot

15.1 bil b/o


@Waghuas it’s 13:00, my offer it’s ok ?

no reply…

15.5B,my offer

16B, late offer

16.1 bil b/o

16.5B offer

If this is the Highest bid one hour from now. I will accept.

Seriously ? 16.7B


Bidding wars lol, 16.9B

17B,I feel the smoke of war

I dont mind pushing some more 17.2B :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Aight guys. 1800 Eve. whoever has the highest bid get it there and then.


18B,i really like it,but give me 12hour to let ISK ready.

Id do 17.7B iskies today!

17.7 Accepted. Send isk and acc info

wait! u cant see my news?