Selling this pilot.
Near perfect rorqual pilot.
Pass: 181818
- T2 Mining Boosts
- Drone Mining Spec V
- Able to mercoxit mine
Positive wallet.
Positive sec status.
Located in Jita 4-4.
Start bidding price: 25b
Buyout: 31b
If anyone bids lower than 25b, I’ll consider it a free and friendly bump.
Will pay for transfer. Please allow 4-5 days(Sometimes longer, depending on how busy CCP is) for the transffer.
Take him today for only 29b! Special offer for you guys, just today!
27B b/o offer.
Can transfer isk today.
Bid good for 24 hours, am bidding on other toons.
27B B/O is too low.
I’d be willing to meet in the middle and say 28B. I’ll get the transfer started tonight then.
28 b/o agreed.
We can start transfer tonight.
Send isk and account name, and I’ll get the ticket made before heading off for the night. 
Sorry, its sold to @Sir_Skallywag . If he backs out, I’ll sell it to you.
Waiting for ISK to arrive on pilot.
Glad I read this one last time before I sent you the isk. Do you have the isk yet?
Isk and acc name received.
Ticket filed.
Waiting for CCP now.
Thank you for the transaction 
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