has skills for nyx/aeon/hel/wyv
good all around alt, gallente and support focused currently learning anshar skills
2012 character
carriers 5 logi 5 jump skills 5
no kill rights
has mid grade ascendancy in covryn
geno pod in ostingele
npc corp
pos wallet
I can offer 42b
offer retracted
50b was closer but looking for a bit more
I can up my offer to 43b, but it stands for 24 hours before I spend available isk
Can offer 44bil
looking for more. thanks
would you do 46B?
Why are you looking for as a b/o ?
im thinking 60
offer 47b
looking for closer to 60
Sent an eve mail. please check
I’m just at the office right now, but ill check once I get home in a few hours!
offer declined. still for sale!
Revised offer in game
offer accepted. pending sale
send isk and accountname
Isk and account name sent in game. Please confirm and initiate transfer
transfer initiated! SOLD thank you.
Thanks awaiting receipt of character