WTS Standup Ammo in Domain LS

In Domain LS :

500m : Appraisal 12O46X @ Jita 4-4 split: 554,042,800.00 ISK | Janice

1b : Appraisal 2HqVyP @ Jita 4-4 split: 1,142,200,000.00 ISK | Janice

Mail me in-game for more info/if you’re interested


bump :smiley:

Fighters sold! Here’s what I’ve got left :
Appraisal aZ6CWu @ Jita 4-4 split: 299,900,000.00 ISK | Janice 300m split
Appraisal 9gfwvD @ Jita 4-4 split: 208,614,200.00 ISK | Janice 200m split

Mail me or reply here if interested!

All sold! That was super quick lol

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