WTS the best of the best . The Imp!

When did AT ships start getting re-released? Which was the first ship that was re-released? :smiley:

I mean, geri is trash like the freki :stuck_out_tongue: And the cybele and shapash are improved versions of the utu and adrestia

So, no AT ships have been re-released?

He probably re-released them .

CCP has said multiple times that they are willing to re-release old tournament ships. Despite thankfully not having done so yet, they have not clearly stated anywhere that they won’t do this in the future.

As a holder and buyer of tournament ships it is my biggest current gripe with the development team.

Unique ships should be unique. Forever.

Their vagueness is an attempt to keep people from hoarding once limited edition assets. Nothing is ever really set in stone.

Why doesn’t Wizards of the Coast just get another license to print out more 1st edition Charizard cards? They dont, they print out second, third or higher editions instead.

It’s a whole lot easier to give out digital content. They’re basically copying the old hulls but giving them better stats.

Bump !!

Bump !!

Bump !!

Bump …




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