Want to sell this char-
61.4 Mil SP- Blops/ Cov Ops/ T3C/ Cyno Five/ Basic PI Skills
1.6 Mil Unallocated- Mid Grade Amulet Set- 3 Remaps
-1.5 Sec Status
Positive Wallet
No Killrights
Char Located in Highsec
Contact Gary Bell my main for any info
48 Bil Start/ Buyout of 54 Bil
Skills- SkillQ.net - Zoe Triglav
This is my main for contact
(Gary Bell)
Make it 50 and we can start the trade after DT?
50 it is.
Will log in and send isk and account info.
Isk and account info sent.
(Gary Bell)
Poke Resend mail, please… Was cleaning account and deleted it by mistake
Sent the isk to Zoe Triglav, account name is in the 50b transfer.
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