WTS Titan/Dread/Rorq/Links toon --- SOLD

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70 bil

48hrs if no further bids, the toon is yours

72B if u want

Current Bid stands @72bil with RichMan Windy

how long should I wait

48hrs my friend

74 bil

Current bid 74bil

36hrs to go.

Last 10hrs of sale

Current bid stands at 74bil with @O_Rourke_Kashada

@O_Rourke_Kashada Congrats you have won this auction.

Send isk to this character and mail me the account name which you want the character transferred too.

Post in here once your done that.

isk & transfer info being sent now, please reply when transfer initiated

Isk received, Character transfer to requested account initiated. Paid for by me

email received confirming transfer

thank you for a smooth transfer (so far) <3

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