WTS Tons of BPOs

I’ve got tons of BPOs that I’m looking to sell. Evemail me or reply to this thread if you wanna buy some

List of blueprints and prices I’m looking for is on this google spreadsheet

Willing to negotiate on prices

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I’ll buy all of them under 5m

Contract up. Thx for taking all of the bulky low value BPOs lol

Still got plenty for sale. Some prices have been adjusted. Come get some blueprints!

Are these BPCs or BPOs please?

They’re all BPOs

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Thanks. Definitely Interested. Just working out the prices and so on. Can I email you in game?

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Sure. Also feel free to let me know if anything seems to be way off price-wise. It seems like there were some major issues with the appraising but I think I caught most of the big ones

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Still got plenty of blueprints, especially for ships!

1.3b offer on the nidhougur bpo

How about 1.4b?

1.32 if you like :slight_smile:

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Still have lots for sale!

Do you do industry? Do you want some new BPOs to have fun with? I’ve got some!

These blueprints are made from 100% organic GMO-free gluten-free space dust, if you care about that kinda thing

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The blueprints in this package came from a stolen courier package of whom the original owner got salty over :stuck_out_tongue:

Still have plenty for sale!


Come buy some blueprints!