Most people says Wyvern are ■■■■ - but stats says something different:
During major engagements, armor tank supers are the first to die
I’ve seen on reddit that Wyvern are used a lot in fleet engagements by NC for exemple
You have absolutely 0 reasons why its ■■■■ expressed.
I am not some kind of “elitist” dictating the world how he wants just because he has more time played on EvE. Accept this. Some people have a real life beside, others games to play as well, and sometimes want some help on forums.
Because the other 3 exist. Armor capitals are objectively superior to shield capitals for a multitude of reasons that have already been discussed to death. The biggest problem with them is that they must be fit with a completely passive tank, as fitting active hardeners is a great way to die once you get neuted out. And if you’re fitting a passive buffer tank, you may as well go armor and use a Nyx for the DPS bonus.
Carrier in PvP? Sounds like a fleet issue.
Don’t fly alone too confidently through Nullsec with that vessel because that killmail will be a fest for most roaming parties around
And prepare to lose it.