Sensor strength 20 for t2 cruiser(Vagabond) being jammed by a single maxed skill racial(minimatar) jammer that’s perfect for the race has a strength of 8(after changes to ecm), that 8 would indicate that it removes 8 sensor strength per minute, which is 1 every 7.5 seconds (0.13), lets say the Vaga has a sensor regeneration rate of 300 seconds that means it would take 300 seconds to regen 20 strength which is 1 every (300/20) 15 seconds (0.06/s), so the vaga with 1 perfect jam will loose 0.08-0.13 a second which is -0.05 a second so 20/0.05 = 400 seconds (6 minutes 40 seconds ) before it looses all locks, lets say it can lock 10 targets/400 = 40 seconds to loose each lock. 2 perfect racial jammers would be 20 seconds per lock loss and 1 ECCM mid with script will bring that back up to 40 and so on, if tracking where to be introduced to reduce ecm strength then jam strength would have to be high innitially, which means that a solo target than is scramed and webed before someone decloaks their falcon will be at a massive disadvantage so it might be better to leave tracking out of it and use it as sensor armor.
They get rebalanced. What happens when you shoot at a target with high shield recharge? It tends to sort of settle at around 30-60%. So depending on the ship, they might lose most of their targeting slots. And yeah, you’d be able to perma-jam someone. Just like now. Except they probably wouldn’t be losing all their locks instantly, they’d have a little time as they drop locks 1 by 1, so maybe there’s enough time to react.
edit: It’s still an off the cuff idea. It might be a bad idea. Most ideas are bad. However, among the (many) problems of current ECM is that you really don’t have that many levers to balance it with. Range, strength, resistance. Your idea does add 2 more, tracking and a non-binary effect. Breaking strength down to 2 or 3 more levers, resistance down to 2 or 3 more levers, make the effects even less binary, and now ECM could be fined tuned to where it doesn’t automatically suck, it can be exactly as strong as it needs to be to be an interesting mechanic.
Now, if you launch two jams with 50% to succeed each, you have 75% to jam.
In your case, one griffin will do nothing, while two griffin will jam 100% of the time.
In that example, there is a threshold effect : 1 griffin = 0 efficiency, 2 griffin = max efficiency.
That would make ECM more powerful than now for big fleets, and useless for small fleets.
That’s why we need chance based : it reduces the threshold effect.
So it would take a few minutes to start having an actual effect on DPS ship by reducing their number of locks below what is required to be effective in a fleet setup?
And what about when it reach 0 with more ECM strength than regen? Is the guy perma-jammed until the ECM ship die/apply to someone else? Can I perma jam someone for 8 hours non stop in TiDi because his sensor reached 0 and would need to warp out to finally leave my ECM range?
Out of curiosity, does anyone posting actually understand how ECM works right now? It’s not ecm+ecm+ecm+ecm^N > Sensor Strength anymore. Per ECM attempt, it’s ECM/Sensor Strength = % success.
Using the griffin for example, if it’s fit for maxjam, the best you’ll get with halfway decent skills is a 9.4/3.1 strength for racial jams and 6.3 for multispec. Against a Jackdaw’s 15 Sensor Strength (30 in sharpshooter), that means:
Correct racial ECM has a 62.67% success rate (31.33% in SS)
Incorrect racial ECM has a 20.67% success rate (10.33% in SS)
Multispectrum ECM has a 42% success rate (21% in SS)
That doesnt change with how many ECM are against the jackdaw. Best case scenario? You will always have ~30% rate of success in jamming the jackdaw whether it’s 1 or 100 ECM against it. So, yea, if CCPmath hated your fleet that day, that jackdaw could moonwalk through all of you without suffering a single jam. Now, against a Condor’s 9 Sensor Strength, that griffin suddenly has 100%/ ~66.66%/ ~33.33% chances of success.
this is correct, but have more jammer mean it improve chance which you have successful jamming
Assume Griffin have 3 ECM on board (usual fit)
Each ECM has 62.67% chance
That means each ECM has 37.33% chance to fail to jam on the target.
Since ECM jam regardless action of other ECM, that means for Griffin to not successfully jam target, all 3 ECM need to fail.
So Math goes like this. ECM#1 Fail Rate * ECM#2 Fail Rate * ECM#3 Fail Rate (37.33% * 37.33% * 37.33%) to get us this figure of 5% chance that Griffin fail to jam on Jackdaw if Griffin have 3 correct racial ECM
No. Having a 62.67% chance of success means just that, regardless of how many are involved. 62.67% is 62.67% is 62.67%. The cumulative chance of success is the math you’re doing.
Each jam roll independently so it’s like buying multiple random lotto ticket. If you buy more, you slowly but surely increase your chance of winning but never reach 100%.
Edit: That’s why every one hate ECM drones. It rolls one time per drones with no DR so the ■■■■ chance of a single drone still add up to a not too small % chance to work after a few cycles.
What’s your point exactly ? Why do you bring that here ? I really don’t get what you are trying to prove.
The GRIFFIN has 5% chance to NOT jam (=95% jam), when the ECM MODULE has 63% chance to jam. I think we all understand that. People even made a suggestion to change this.