my wishlist.
- kick the ccp hilmar out of seat for destroying bontiful game and replace with xemuria or chribba
- angel titan and angel carrier for now
- triglavian fighters,triglavian carrier
- edencom carrier edencom fighters
- ore carrier and ore dreadnought
- soe force-auxiliary and soe battlecruiser/destroyer
- jove space opened for plex,500 plex per hour.
- drifter ships for rental
- eom ship-line so eom cruiser eom battlecruiser eom battleship eom assault frigate. equilibrum of mankind - eom.
- pos sticks transformed into small citadels
- bring back passive moon mining but 50% less productive.
- new soct ship - maybe soct dreadnought/titan
- bring back jove ships.
- replace concord with edencom ships so they zap the suicide gankers more effectively