Zero Meters Equals One Thousand Five Hundred Meters

Just an addendum that’s slightly on topic: the collision boxes for objects in the game often (but not always) do not match their visual/rendered geometry.

The one that trips up a lot of newbies are asteroids. Their collision box can be much greater than their visual/rendered size, due to technical reasons. This can frustrate attempts to enter warp as being bumped by „invisible“ collision boxes prevents aligning which prevents warping.

Some things (eg small satellite dishes) have appealing visuals but you can fly right through the dish because they have no collision box.

There is no rhyme nor reason to the madness, just something learned through experience.


Give yourself some grace.

We were all noobs at one point.

We’ve all made mistakes and done stupid things (now I do them on purpose just for the giggles).

EvE has a very steep learning curve. Be patient with yourself, and the game. And having a sense of humor will definitely help you navigate the complexity of the game. And not taking yourself too seriously, or others for that matter.

On the topic of corps, do be aware of giant corps like Absolute Order and Silent Company. They are all about numbers and will entice you to join, but will leave you hanging. I recommend a smaller corp, that is NOT focused on mining (and beware, ore buyback programs are a scam designed to bleed you dry while making the corp leadership rich off your in game efforts.) Mining tends to be a trap and a lot of people get sucked in, and end up quitting.

I highly recommend that you try all sorts of different things, including ganking and ninja looting (at least once. You may like it. Or hate it. But at least you will know.) Even without the SP, you can still be successful in many endeavors.


Why should there be consistency?

Thanks for your reply.

It hasn’t been a problem. I double-click somewhere and avoid stuff okay. Sometimes it’s fun to watch the ship try to align through a huge floating rock. I wonder what Aura is doing then.

It’s fun.

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Thank you

I will take my time and explore. There’s probably more than enough avenues to last for a lifetime.

I agree. I don’t pay a subscription to chase NPC.

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Thanks for your reply.

There doesn’t have to be. I expect that EVE will subvert my expectations in many ways. That’s part of what’s entertaining, the unknown.

Here you go


To answer your question, you land at a variable distance around your destination.

If your destination is warp to 0, you will not land at 0.

You will never land at 0.

It’s by design.


That’s the spirit! Just go on, there’s much to find out.
When handling cloaked ships you will be very happy that 0m isn’t 0m :wink:


later you will mind bumping.
Because when you bump you can get outside of docking range (stations) or outside of tether range (citadels). You can even bump a gate and get outside of the limit range to take the gate. And suddenly some hostiles have the possibility to kill you.

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Thank you for your reply.

I read about bumping. It’s a wierd mechanic but it’s allowed.

I have to try that :laughing:

Oh well, it’s just a pixel ship.

absolutely, and you, sir, have the good way of thinking about eve. You will still play this game in the future, imo.
However in the future you will also fly more expensive ship. And if you bump a station in, let’s say, a 1-billion battleship while there are 10 hostile wardeccers waiting on the undock,…boum…
(not even speaking of freighters or capitals, we are in the new citizens section)
So now, bumping is not a problem for you. But in the future, it might be ;). So learning to create and use instadock bookmarks is not a bad move.

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I’m of the opinion that there are no problems, only solutions. We’re now a space-faring civilization, even if it’s “only” to the Moon for now, and we’re discovering the possibilities of nano technology and more wild stuff that was the domain of sci-fi not 20 years ago so the “problems” usually emanate from places where people don’t do their job properly and to the best of their abilities or simply don’t care.
I have learned to use bookmarks and will learn more, I’m sure, when the day comes that I get destroyed within sight of my destination.
Live and learn. To me that’s the meaning of Life.

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