(Actually) Interesting Ideas for Ending the Amarr-Minmatar Conflict

Well, I have been invited to this thread by a poke from one of the commenters, but I haven’t addressed the main theme, and for this, I bring my apologies, and will address the discussion now.

First of all, I am disappointed at lack of interesting (or actually interesting) ideas in the main post, that I have expected to read.

Second, I have been offering my idea in a different discussion, but… lets be honest, it was more a jab towards Minmatar, who foolishly were demanding to change way of Amarr, so I offered to change the way of Minmatar instead so they could at least feel themselves like ones whom the attack. Worked it or no?.. Probably no, but at least I tried.

But anyway, let us see what really could be done to solve the conflict.

  1. Both sides absolutely must admit that neither of sides should change anything internally - for this is their own business.
  2. The Empire should guarantee that participants of illegal slavery raids will be punished according to the law (better if they will be detained by the Empire and sentenced by the Republic and their laws - since the violation of the law happened on the Republic territory).
  3. The Republic should guarantee that participants of illegal slave-kidnapping(releasing) raids will be punished according to the law (better if they will be detained by the Republic and sentenced by the Empire and their laws - since the violation of the law happened on the Republic territory).
  4. Borders should be restored to the pre-Elder fleet attack condition.
  5. Captured slaves and PoWs by Amarr Empire should be returned to the Republic (even if it was legal enslaving PoWs - they should first be considered as PoWs, unless they have committed war crimes, then they can serve their sentence as slaves).
  6. All captured PoWs and kidnapped slaves by Minmatar Republic should be returned to the Empire. Of course again with the exclusion of those PoWs that have committed war crimes.

So far I have been offering symmetrical and fair propositions, but one moment makes me add one more that will be slight out of the balance, but I still think that it will be just:

  1. Minmatar Republic should bring apologies and pay war reparations both to Amarr Empire and CONCORD for the Elder Fleet invasion on 10 July YC110.

I hope that your peace talks will progress successfully, and yet I shall remind one more time - and to both sides. Please, for the Maker’s sake, for the sake of Winds, your Tribes, your God and everything else you hold dear - DO NOT demand your opponents to change their own way, becase it won’t be a peaceful negotiation attempt, it will be just bullying and will show that you are not ready for peace.

With best wishes,
Diana Kim, Strike Commander,
State Protectorate, CMC,
Caldari State