Any theories on why so many people have quit over the last 2 years?

You’ve reached a new low with this post and have it backwards. in the past, the game was harder, but fairer for those who were able to deal with it. then more and more people whined about how unfair and hard it was, so CCP nerfed the game to make it easier, continuously, causing an imbalance leaning towards those who want it easier, demand content and attack the ever decreasing amount of people who actually provide action in highsec.

the situation we have now is the end result of making the game easier and easier, giving more and more room to those who need and demand it to be even easier. and you here, with your post, not only behave like a manchild (just like many manchilds in c&p who speak for ganking), you also completely ignore actual history of this game and how it developed to where we are now.

Relevant for recent history:

Also see a below post of mine, adding even more to it.

If you want to help raise the standards around here, then you need to begin identifying who the problem is and how to spot them.

hint: look at your own post.

if you need further help identifying them, i can show you threads with people posting exactly the way we, as community, need to discourage.

thank you for your attention.