Any theories on why so many people have quit over the last 2 years?

I know aware that I’m stepping into a thread, but:


My personal opinion…

PVP is fine. It can be great in fact. However, there does need to be a place for people to get their “feet wet” and then transition (or not) to the “true” game of PVP.

Personally, I like the idea of being part of a larger force coordinating together to maintain a territory or turf. The idea of scouting the “enemy” solo is sort of “sexy” also.

At the same time, what does it really matter to the ganker if there is a group that doesn’t want to PVP. I’m dead set against large groups of bots and ISK farmers, since I feel that they can destroy a games environment. However, I don’t see that people like CODE have the right to try to force others to play their way.

What is not fun or sexy is being griefed by gankers.

It’s really only fun to the gankers.