Any theories on why so many people have quit over the last 2 years?

In Jita, i only speak to honest isk doublers. :angel:

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To vent some frustration, i’d like to suggest ganking a carebear in highsec, telling them CCP made you do it. They ■■■■ up your game, you ■■■■ up other people’s game.

Just a thought. :angel:

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I fit up a talos to gank the scanning goon afk in a cruiser, but like I said he left in a catalyst by the time I got it fit, it’s likely enough to kill a mackinaw.

My best bet is to throw isk at pvp until I have non left, then leave EVE for good when it doesn’t net a single win. Because if i’m not having fun with EVE then I shouldn’t be spending money on it. But it’s likely I won’t even bother going through with such silly endeavors.

I honestly have more fun on mobile arenas where individuals throw thousands at it per weapon or hat. Unless EVE is being fun that day.

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Keep it there… always worked for me.

At some point i’ve started ordering dozens of ships from industrialists across dozens of systems, with fittings and ammo. I’m a valued customer. :blush:

It just makes a lot of sense to me. They do it all and deliver. I don’t need to worry about getting ships somewhere. It only costs isk and time.

And the best part was that all of them were found through local.

Not sure about your situation, but i’m convinced that you’re isk rich enough. My ships were reasonably cheap, though, around 1.5 for everything. (a really good customer :blush:)

Re: Arena

I can see why they, CCP, would get away with implementing one…

I’m not for arenas in EVE. I meant the game a whole being just a team vs team, because even matchmakers are not fun to deal with when you’re meant to lose.

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Several people have done this over the years but one i remember vividly was Solestic Project like 2-3 years ago.

He was upset, as we all were, over another buff to miners and haulers i believe and some comments made by a dev, may have been ccp darwin, memory may be shakey.

Well he would evemail everyone he ganked a letter saying how it was ccp darwins fault and to mail him for a reimbursement of their ship. Was hilarious and went on for a good while.

Man did it piss people off lol

So upset that you cannot remember the actual buff?

And to hear that a ganker was so obsessional as to send people he had ganked a mail blaming CCP Darwin over a game change that irked him, that is comedy gold right there. Blimey… Wonderful stuff thanks for sharing, made me chuckle.


And we wonder why players quit playing. I can tell you that I personally left because of this attitude.

There was a time that I actually enjoyed playing as a solo creabear in low sec. It was fun going out there and avoiding being ganked. Scanning skills mattered, giving players like me a chance to outwit gankers. Mechanics changed and everyone and their dogs were able to scan in seconds, which meant I now had to literally spam D-scan every 2 seconds or so to have a chance at surviving. And this is just one example of what drew me away from low sec, and eventually the game.

When I brought up my concern to the forums I was immediately labeled as a “lazy whining carebear” by the more popular gankers. Eventually I realized that this game really isn’t for people like me. It’s meant for the gankers and their victims. That’s it. But the problem with this is that this ideology is unsustainable. It simply won’t last. No matter how dumb a player is he will eventually become prey no more because you either learn to avoid being ganked or simply bankrupt yourself out of being ganked. And if the game isn’t supplying enough potential victims as replacements, the predators eventually get bored and leave.

A few days ago, someone (Jonah Gravenstein, I think) posted a graph depicting CONCORD kills on a decline as “proof” that nerfs were slowly killing ganking. When I saw that graph it looked exactly how I expected it look precisely because ganking eventually obsoletes itself. Few if any want to play a victim. You eventually adapt and reduce being ganked to the point where you can prosper or you bankrupt yourself out of the game. Nerfs aren’t killing ganking. Ganking is killing ganking.

And CCP has to consistently find ways of keeping ganking from destroying itself and the game. No easy feat. Add to the mix players like the one I quoted, hell-bent in keeping ganking at its glorious peak by any means necessary, even if it means losing subscription, and you get what we have today; few people interested in playing anymore. The prey got bored. And now the predator gets bored.


It’s an observation, of 10 possible buying customers ‘in my circle’ that would actually be intrested in playing -because the other ~90 gamer friends would never touch the game- only 1 or 2 will subscribe. CCP says player retention is a problem. Some will try for a few days then throw their mouse/keyboard/headset around and log off to never come back.

(I’m quoting from
CCP Rise confirmed what the New Order knew all along:
“We have tried and tried to validate the myth that griefing has a pronounced affect on new players - we have failed… Isolating players away from the actual sandbox seems very contrary to what we would like to accomplish.”

They do have a valid point that in some time before jumping from 0.5 to 0.4 people should be trained in PVP. And be able to customize a PVP fit. And basic techniques as why to warpscramble before webbing. Why aren’t there PVP trainer agents that train people step by step into PVP?

@Rexxar_Santaro good example, I occasionally watch those PVP videos but they don’t really get my intrest in PVP. But i’m sure a lot of people get the “awe-factor” and train up to be part of the PVP community.

@yellow_parasol I like how you analytically and sceptically look at my posts. Some people see it as annoying yet I have come to terms -due to your arguments and explanations- that you defend valid points and not everyone knows the whole of the game and people might say shortsighted and ignorant thinsg -mostly not on purpose but usually due to emotions and lack of understanding the whole of the game mechanics. We often have a different vision and i’m glad you put in the time and effort and knowledge to correct or inform me and others. Even if it’s sometimes hard.

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Don’t believe her. Know EVE history. :slight_smile:

She’s Cam, running around with several alts, (see also: Persifone) creating mischief. Solstice Project always was hellbent about public approval and, if you had been there, you would know his primary marketing thing was that he refused to shoot miners. He attacked CODE for playing easy mode shooting miners and stuff. Did you actually read the old (old?) forums in late 2012/2013 ?

Anyways, Cam vanished pretty quickly after she started her usual shenanigans. Then, boom, she vanished and now we have these other red heads around, who all write and behave similarily. She’s really not hard to notice, but most people don’t actually seem to give a crap.

Ask her for proof. vOv

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You’re smart. You help improving the intellectual poverty around here, which is exactly what we need.

Well, the math checks out. Does it make sense, though? Did you ever escalate the numbers?

We are BORG, my designation is 1 of 10.

1 of 10 each, from a million people, are 100.000 people. If this game grew 100k people in a year then it would die. It would ■■■■■■■ die by it’s own weight. The cultural impact would literally kill it. BOOM, FINITO!

100.000 people / 365 are 273 people per day. That’s over two thousand people in ten days and almost TWENTY THOUSAND people after three months. Several thousand are fine when it happens every once in a while, when it’s a connected group of people, like (actual) Goons (Something Awful) or BRAVE (who came in from reddit). A culture joining the game as sub-culture, fully assimilating into it. Or more or less, at least, without actually threatening.

BRAVE is actually special, because it kind of kickstarted the drive for casuals. KarmaFleet (Hi Mooses ;)) and Pandemic Horde then did the same thing, more or less, though from my feeling KF mostly attracted carebears and farmers.

It’s something completely different, when it’s just random people with no connection whatsoever.


Also relevant:

The whole quote and study wonderfully mirrors how backwards everything is. It’s as if no one at CCP actually wants to make the game better! The only alternative is that not even CCP Hellmar remembers that it was part of EVE’s culture to shoot for recruitment.

You can-flip the miner, wait for him to cluelessly aggress you and then shoot you him down. Instead of mining him for tears, people talked to their victims and introduced them into EVE’s culture.

Adrenaline. It is that simple. I’ve “initiated” a few myself. :slight_smile:

I have to disagree here, because it wasn’t necessary for the most part of the game. Yet it worked out. The reason, again, is because those who got blown up got integrated into EVE’s culture. A new player doesn’t need highsec to learn how to survive, fight and fit ships in lowsec. For that he can go to lowsec. One of my “creative exercises for the unitiated” in NCQA is literally jumping into a corvette, heading to lowsec and getting blown up. What yellow parasol did a year ago (or two?), which netted me 25 million ISK from my “aggressors”, who were really nice people.

Many literally just pick you up and you start playing with them. At least it was like that in the past. I have my doubt it’s too different nowadays.

Think about it. Everyone who yells “griefer” never ever mentions how he himself actually reacted and what he said himself. When you get killed and you act like a whiny jerk, then you will be treated accordingly.

If just 10% of their claims about the game’s lack of growth were actually true, the game would have never gotten as far as it did.

Thank you.

/me tips hat.

PS: Sorry for the edits. wanted to improve it.


Beyond mentioning that ganking requires increased manpower I didn’t address nerfs, nor was the graph posted to show that nerfs are killing ganking.

I posted the graph in response to another poster claiming that ganking is more commonplace now than it was in the past, the graph showing the exact opposite with ganking being in an overall decline since 2013.


Why do people assume they know everything about a player who can run multiple accounts, of course I do not know what this player did and neither do you.

How do you know that this is the same person, people sell their accounts.

In any case I was not paying much attention to the forums in that period I was in deep 0.0.

But that person is ganker aligned, at least the person I exchanged with on the forums a couple of years back, and so what, still obsessional behaviour over a nerf or buff that people cannot remember anything about…

EDIT: And now it turns out to be a different person, oh well, Eve forums…

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Why do people assume they know everything about a player who can run multiple accounts, of course I do not know what this player did and neither do you.

Yeah, you say that and at the same time defend Cam, who is well known to be full of :poop: and doesn’t get banned for no reason. Is she your char? It’s really not rocket science. If you can’t even notice how similar people write and behave, then there really is nothing anyone can do for you. You’ll always ever just read what you want to read.

So be it.

Have fun talking yourself more and more into isolation.

PS: Oh look at the post below! I was right! The same person!
OH WOW, HOW DID I DO THAT??? :open_mouth:


Sorry my memory was shakey i said from 3 years ago. Was Freyd and CCP Phantom.
Same jist and pretty damn funny. Went on for a while. Made many people upset.

Funner than I described it if you go back and read it.




my connection broke apart. :confused:

You seem a bit mad, calm down…

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I’ve been playing EVE for about 9 months and I just unsubscribed the other day. There are a lot of things I like about EVE and a lot I do not like. The things I enjoy in EVE kept me subscribed for about 6 months. Now that I have experienced what I have of EVE, I can see that for a player such as myself, I can have just as much fun as an alpha clone as I do when i’m subscribed. I have a love / hate relationship with EVE as many players do. I love the game enough to continue playing as an alpha clone. I also hate the game enough to stop supporting it financially and will be :rofl: when it’s finally shut down.


You seem a bit mad, calm down…

And here we are.

You’re proving me right about everything I’ve said about people like you. The intellectual poverty you people spread around here isn’t even funny. Fallacies, passive aggressiveness, umadbro stupid level of trolling …

You are exactly like those who you pretend to work against, and who you constantly argue with!


Good Luck with that attitude. o7

PS: and have the last word, of course. I feel pity.

You seem to be talking more to yourself then me, its rather amusing to be honest…

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