Cloaking Camping Destroying Eve

I’m not so sure it’s support of the current system so much as it is either (a) disgust with the general terribleness of the proposed changes or (b) irritation at the never-ending whinging of cowards.

What, you got alts to vote your way?

Quite frankly the forums here are so toxic towards anything new or any change proposals it’s like watching a dying empire that just doubles down on everything and refuses to open their minds to anything. Sounds like anything we see in the real world?

Let me see, you come up with an idea that has been suggested dozens if not hundreds of times. You don’t want to try and solve the problem on your own, but instead want the Devs to do it for you. And you ignore the thread the moderators have left open to contain this kind of forum filth.

Yeah, you deserved to be trolled…alot.

like i said i didnt know there was a thread for it

The problem we have is literally that every problem is listed as; “[Insert Problem here] is killing eve”.

It’s really not, you’re telling us that the decline is players out of everything that goes on in this game is down to away-from-keyboard players sat in a space ship in systems that new players don’t even see or care about?

Jesus Crumble, we need some perspective.

Then stop posting here and ask the moderators to close this thread.

If only you had brain enough to use the search function. Or perhaps brain enough to stop posting here and post in the main afk cloaky thread instead. Alas you failed to do either.

And don’t suggest tired old arguments that have been suggested dozens even hundreds of times before.

There is this thing called google…

linus gorp, piss off this is the second time iv ever used the forums and i just posted it


Dude…just stop.

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So Quelza, why you got no killboard eh? Got somethin’ to hide from the rest of us?

linus gorp are you having a go at me directly? you know that goes against the eula right?

Really just, write: Whoops, sorry didn’t see the other thread. I apologize, ISD please lock…

Then stop replying…

Go to the other thread and post your heart out.

@ISD_Chanisa_Nemes I think this dumpter fire of a thread is ready for the forever sleep.

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It was a 100 posts ago

How can you still not get it.

Hahahaha, look at the guy from nullsec who is afraid of AFK people



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