Guardian Gala sites

Yeah, I don’t like to use Ancillary Shield Boosters. I could probably do a passive shield tank with extenders and get more EHP’s but I don’t like having a large ship signature. Currently my ship signature is 160


My Tengu is at 226.

That ehp is definitly a problem, the cruiser wrecking shot me for 1500 damage after resists so about 5k damage so a bs would prob wrecking shot about 30-35k (before resists) 19k (65% resi) after

Those sites are tough for unprepared newbies on t1 cruiser/dessie. I’d say that lvl4 missions like Angel Extravaganza, Blockade or Dread Pirate Scarlet are 2-3 times harder than the event sites, and Right to Rule(especially Ascending Nobles) or Syndication(especially Studio 1 and Showtime) are on the whole another level.

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My best guess is about a 4k base volley on the bs. So 12k wrecking.

Primary tank ehp is what matters. So only the shield. If you have 24k in just shield should be super easy.


So, I tried doing this in a fleet. Dont logi get any points from helping in these sites?

Yes and as Chan’aar kindly posted, I wrote a little about it.

Keep in mind, this was last night on SiSi, so there could have been changes on the site that haven’t been on TQ yet.
My buddy and I had one Golem and a Raven Navy Issue. I had a high-grade crystal set in my head and 2x Pithum A-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Fields on my Raven and 2x Caldari Navy Ballistic Control.

We were shooting everything down until the carrier spawned and then stopped shooting the frigates and cruisers.
You can ignore the fighters and the 4 or 5 frigates and focus on the carrier. However I recommend not shooting any fighters, since I read that shooting down one results in a massive fighter increase.
My shields were holding at 100% and I only had a meta 4 xl-booster on.

I might try the regular Gala site later today.

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Me and a buddy both dual-boxed 2 rattlesnakes and had 0 problems taking the VIP site. Later tonight I will try just dual-boxing myself so 2 Rattlesnake Total and ill see how that goes. Tank holds up easily, dps combined is 1500 per 2 rattlesnakes.


If you can shift around your resists to add more EXP, the I think you’ll be good. I’ve tried several ships to see what works for me and I did the last few in a Drake with an active shield tank (23/38/78/91, 49.2 EHP) and I could happily sit there without worry. At one point, with the BS on-grid with 1 cruiser and 10 frigs, the shield began to very slowly tick down, but nothing to be concerned about (never got below 65%).

My only issue is that my Caldari and missile skills suck, so my DPS was lacking. I could break the BS, it just took a lot longer than I would have liked.

Oh, and I could practically hear the frigates speaking in Homer Simpson’s voice saying “Mmmmmm…drooooones” as they went after my Warrior IIs :rofl:


OK, thanks for the response (and to the posters above too), I will try that. Thing is though, it worked perfectly well yesterday.

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I still have problems with them warping, attacking, and staying at 400-500km

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Meh, too difficult for new Players, i dislike them. Events should be affordable for everyone, the game is difficult on its own already

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If you make events too easy for the older players it loses the challenge. It would be nice if the events were scalable but that seems hard to implement.

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So, just wanted to follow-up with a few more data points that might help some others here based on the last couple of sites I’ve run.

The frigates love drones. Maybe they’re just lonely :smile: . Be very careful managing your drones. I’m using T2 lights and they do get beat up fairly badly. I’d be interested to hear how those who have been successful with drones are making those work.

If you are looking at your fit and wondering whether to prioritize DPS or EHP, I’m going to lean toward EHP on your resists and primary tank. You will inevitably be tanking several ships if you are soloing, so be prepared for that. Speed tanking will be tough due to the webs- not that they are that strong, but there can be a lot of them.

If you can avoid it, do not warp out of the site. This seems to trigger a timer on the BS spawn that will cause it to bail out after a certain time, essentially causing you to fail the site. That happened to me once yesterday and general intel seems to suggest I caused this by warping out of the site at one point. Not sure what the time is, but it seemed to be a couple of minutes. I never had a BS bail out on subsequent sites where I did not warp out.

This morning after DT, I ran 4 sites and was 4/4 on BS spawns and 4/4 on drops that included fireworks, a skin, and a cerebral accelerator. So, my earlier comment on my inconsistent drops seem to have due to getting “a bad roll”.

Salvaging probably isn’t worth it. I’m salvaging less than 1m ISK/site. Obviously, it’s up to you if that’s worth it, but it’s not great so your time might be better spent running more sites.

I have not see the warping issue that others are reporting, but it seems that this still happens occasionally.

It seems the code on these is still being tweaked daily, so what is true today may not be true tomorrow.

Lastly, this is the first time in a while I’ve seen an event thread filled with people talking about how to run them as opposed to griping about the event. That’s a great data point to indicate that this was a well-done event. Thanks to the devs and the community here!


Gila with faction drones. Just ran a normal Gala with one and they did go for the drones but if you take out the frigates first there is no problem whatsoever.


24.7k is total EHP’s. I only have 13.9k EHP’s in shield.

I think they are making a genuine effort here by including the regular and VIP sites- that’s a great concept. I also appreciate that they seem to be alternating difficulty levels in events. The last one was accessible to everybody and vets found it too easy. This one is definitely harder and more engaging for the vets, but is not as easy for newer, solo players.

This, in essence, is the challenge of developing content for a group with as radically diverse skills and players abilities/experience as you find in EVE. By definition, that means that not everything can be for everybody. If all events are geared toward the lowest common denominator (no offense to new players there), then a lot of us will be bored and uninterested.

I like that they are mixing things up in this way, even if it means that some of us will not enjoy certain events. It spreads the love, IMHO.


Oh I totally agree, and did not mean to disagree. Was just trying to eplain something to @Skander_Parzival.
I for one, really like the difficulty of this event, that said I have been around for awhile now.

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Yep, we agree- I was just trying to expand on what you were saying :slightly_smiling_face:


Anyone getting advanced cerebral accelerators in HI-sec? All I have gotten today have been standard.