Guardians Gala VIP


I never did Guardians Gala sites, i came back to game after long time, i`m interested in WH space Guardians gala VIP sites as i see on youtube this is most profitable spawns to do, can someone please recommend some good fit for some ship that is capable doing this solo ? I have 100 mil sp and can fly almost anything :slight_smile: i will greatly appreciate some help :slight_smile:

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Why don’t you just try them and see what works best for you? Lots of different possibilities for these.

I don’t get why folk just want to copy other people rather than take the time to figure things out themselves, much more fun.

With 100mil SP character in wormholes you must have some idea how Eve works?

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Read carefully, again if this helps, i dont want to waste time loosing 3 ships before i can manage doing wh VIP sites, does this is not obvious ? Also i know that there are changes in mechanics since 2018 and i dont want to try and loose 2b ISK for fun, stop trolling and start being helpfull.


And the helpful answer is read up on the changes over the last few years and learn the new sites rather than just expecting someone to hand you the answer to making loads of ISK

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The streamers I’ve watched have used passive shield tanked Rattlesnakes.

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The reason they can’t answer your question and be helpful is because they don’t know. However they still wanna feel superior so they’ll just post some asinine troll comment.

I suggest doing what @Kaivarian_Coste suggested and check out the fits streamers / youtubers are using.

This kind of ■■■■■■■■ troll response is exactly why I tend not to communicate with the eve community any more. If you don’t want to answer the question - or more likely you don’t know the answer - then keep moving and read something else. You actually took time out of your day to be condescending to a stranger and make their day slightly worse for absolutely no reason other than your own fragile little emotions got bruised by NOTHING


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