Utari's Puppies (Formerly Off-Topic Thread)

You already did it and made me waste my precious time on you.
Maybe someone might tell me that I should be a better person. But coming that from your side? Really?

And to address one more lie: I don’t have any delusions. Thanks and bye.

Uh … pilots? Can we maybe not make this the “Ms. Kim Fights People” forum?

Please just let it go? I don’t really care who I’m addressing or what “it” is, if it relates to this dynamic. It’s really not good for the health of … well, anything.

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If certain people wish to fritter their precious time away on things they claim not to care about, who am I to stop them?


I am sorry, Ms. Jenneth, I really should just ignore all these unmerited troublemakers, who dare to speak to or about me without permission, and I should just treat them as background noise, but I can’t hold myself most of the time.

Also I would like to ask you to always specify which group of people I am fighting, since everyone who I fight belong to one or another group based on their misdeeds. Please be specific, otherwise some not very bright folk might grow incorrect ideas about me.

All doggos are good boys! She-doggos included!

Of course what I was saying was simply a polite euphemism for circlejerking!


Thought: Should I create forms that people need to fill in to gain permission to speak to me in public?


Welp, GalNet has gone to hell again.

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Don’t you mean still?


Naw it was nice and quiet for a few weeks. And people had productive conversation and event threads weren’t sent off topic with personal vendettas. It was bliss.


Productive conversations? Miss Raske, is that what you call the bag of dull grey bricks IGS turns into whenever the “undesirables” keep a low profile?

Because I think my brain cells deserves more than the countless hours of utter radio silence that happen in between all these navel gazing sessions or “events”!


Well, if Raske, Ember and their likes would keep a low profile, the forum indeed would become a pleasant place for discussions. But noooo, they just HAVE to jump in. I don’t remember, when I had a conversation without any of these, as you called, “undesirables” popping in.

Spirits wept, just stop poking it.


You’re right. Moment of weakness. Moving forward.

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Oh you’re not getting away that easily you puffed up cranberry! I saw what you wrote!

I’ve been insulted, called names and been singled out day in and day out just during the past week. Sometimes, unprovoked! Even just now you wondered how far my head was inserted in Miss Kim’s behind, and let me tell you, that’s just down right mean.

I meant what I said. IGS gets so boring with the highbrow pseudo-intelectual butt-scratching that happens when you people aren’t rasping Miss Kim or Mister Nauplius for whatever reason, and sometimes just the fact they’re around is enough to trigger you snowflakes!

In the context of what I said, I am part of the “undesirables” because I don’t fit into what you snobs think that belong in your fancy wine-tasting cheese-eating parties you want my main source of entertainment to become!

So go suck on a lemon!


Winds, but Ruil gets hostile fast.


Rawr! Fear me!

If I had a billion ISK every time someone called me a moron just in YC120, I could have bought Miss Valate’s corrupted trinary thingie!

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I’ll admit, I’ve not seen it, but then we may travel in different circles.

In either case, you know how it is. Capsuleers fling insults casually, and it’s usually best to not let them get under your skin.

For what it’s worth, despite our initial and considerable disagreement, you’ve seemed to generally become a more engaging and interesting contributor to the discourse, though I’ll likely never understand what you see in Ms. Funk.

Ah well!


When exactly does this happen? 99% of the time IGS is anything but high-brow.


Ms. Ruil, I understand your frustration about that person. You are not the first one who have encontered her, nor the last one. For myself I have found that it’s the best to limit my experience of conversation with Ms. Raske to neglectibly minimal levels.

It’s not like I am losing much, really.

I am sorry that you got into such a situation, but I can only recommend you to release your frustration on a beating dummy. That works for me too. As for them?.. There is little profit in just swearing at them. Show your superiority to them when you feel it. Rebuke their lies of you, but don’t swear, they don’t worth it. They won’t understand they insulted or hurt you for no reason. Consider existence of these people a test that Maker created for us. And as example of what we shouldn’t become ourselves.

In my view, it’s a bit of a strawman.

The concern, speaking generally, is that without antagonism that Capsuleer relations would devolve to tea parties and pearl-clutching, cliquishness and drama.

To be fair, there’s a broad spectrum between this and that, and we usually operate somewhere between.

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