1/3 of players actually PVP

This is one metric, and it is highly suspect. Probably not the best idea to draw conclusions about what the player base engages in or values based upon it alone. If you want elaboration on why I think these numbers are flawed, see my previous post.

I’m hauling, producing, trading, sometimes even mining, and do PvP … as most of the active players, doing multiple things. As said you can’t derive anything from what people do.

But I see you are not interested in an answer, but company in your filter bubble.


I’d say why not focus on improving the other things you do rather then only the PVP aspect.

This belongs to General or Feature discussion. Let a mod move it there.

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They are already active and thriving. Did you see stats for any of the content you don’t participate in? No, because CCP limited us to 1 character of stats per account, and only 5 metrics, so nobody gets a comprehensive view of the player impact in any given area.

As others have said: you cannot draw any statistically valid conclusions from a ‘My Year in EVE’ video - they are marketing tools, not hard performance data.


And according to Reddit, the numbers seem to be mostly BS …

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If having 33 kills puts you in the top third of all PvPers, then clearly the game isn’t focusing at all on PvP.

You need a bit more data to put that number in perspective. Are you in the top 32% of all players? Of all players who have at least one ship kill? All players who engaged in combat? Or all players who have a “Year in EVE” video this year?

I haven’t really looked into the stats being shown in these videos, so not sure which pools they’re counting when they generate them. That would be the place to start getting some perspective on it though.

(Edit: Judging from the way they say they set up the stats for the video, your report means 33 kills put you in the top 32% of players who actually scored at least one kill in 2020 and also qualified for a Year in EVE video - Omega time etc. So it’s not related to the number of players, only the number of 2020 videos with a kill this year.
Your Year in EVE Video Data | EVE Online)

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These were the focus of the year. Seems to me the stagnate new player rate of the game might be the reason. They are looking in the wrong direction here.



I needed that.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


The ratio of players who “do” PvP is much smaller after you account for all of the PvP participants who are solely innocent victims.

CCP really needs to just remove PvP from the game already. It’s obvious that it’s not what gamers want, and Corona is doing a good job of getting rid of all the boomers and old Gen-Xers who are the biggest PvP griefers in the game, so they won’t even have a demographic for that aspect of the game very soon.


Oh wow, too soon. Too soon for that joke.

PvP is a part of the game, don’t remove it. but people use 2/3rd of their accounts to do everything else. I’d say focus on everything else for a year.

The PI improvement went down with so much fan fair it was a little ridiculous. That should signal them there might be something to this. The little asteroid destruction was all these people got later. There are plenty of missions and arks that are just ignored and broken.

not sure if is the same but your rank is 300k /400k

Both are great for PvE btw

It’s character, not players.

So if you have 3 pvp characters on one account, the video will only show number of kills for the character you select, not all the characters on that account.

I know there escape bay had the unintended outcome of you swapping between your savager or scanning frigate, and yea more and more people are using it that way.
And no way is needljack going to a random place in null … hmmm. I guess they both did. We’re talking about 2 unexpected non focused updates. They should pivot the focus here instead of destruction to construction. It means more things to blow up.

Emergent content best content tho

I bet they didnt intend the Orca to be an RV thats basically a mobile station either but its a far more fun use of it.

You see the green arrows? I’m gaining lots of ground.

me confused :thinking:
seems legit

It seems the simplicity of your point has stumped the trolls…
Have a :star:

thats why eve have 15+ years and is unique