[* 1 RANK MERC] Mercenary Services - P I R A T

Hire PIRAT. We never give up!

Hire PIRAT, the most famous and successful salt miners of High Sec!


Citadel attack or defence.

War attack or defence.

We create salty tears and obsessive followers.

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We love a good fight.

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Pure salt. Bashing structure for free.

After reviewing the thread, I have removed some 150+ posts. I am going to leave a link to the rules over here, and remind everyone to follow them. Keep it civil and on topic, and if you’re going to have a massive flag off again, take your fight in game. I will not warn anyone again, so consider this the final warning. Thank you.


I need a wardec and pos bashing, I would like a quote. Ill give more info, convo or eve mail me

Thank you for cleaning this thread up. This is my merc channel for offering merc services.

I have refreshed my knowledge of the forum rules and will flag anything I see that breaks these rules.

To the community, you might recall how VMG ruled the high sec world with just 6 people. PIRAT now is even stronger and continues to be the powerhouse of high sec. Hire PIRAT for all your high sec merc work.

We will take fights outnumbered 4 to 1.


We love a good fight and this is what citadels and war HQs were designed for. With an unlimited number of war HQs PIRAT will never cease to exist. Come to us if you need help in high sec.

We cover war decs, citadel bashes and defences.

Message me in game, I sent you a message for war dec service

Hire PIRAT. We are the number 1 high sec merc alliance in the game and we are here to serve you.

Hire us for general war decs or citadels. We dont mind what the job, as long as we get paid! Guns for hire.

Quarrelsome neighbors?

Someone need their stuff blown up!?


P I R A T We offer the following services.

  1. War Declaration. We will war dec a target and hunt them.
  2. Protection services. We can protect your citadels and assets. Join our protection program.
  3. Citadel attack. We will take down the target citadel (s).
  4. Trade hub. We will ensure your enemy is attacked near the main trade hubs.
  5. War assists. If someone attacks you, we will assist and use diplomacy to have the war ended or assist and fight for you.

A list of diplomatic contacts:


Natural CloneKiller


Tiran Taranovich
Lord Alarik

Pew pew .

Do not ask P I R A T for services. They will ask you for ■■■■■■■■ money and if you will refuse they will warded you. So you will not help yourselves.


How cute. First ever post. Welcome salty nub.

Yep maybe it is a bad idea to tell the local bully that you have a lot of lunch money.

You are not the first who fall for their merc scam

Just to clarify before liaising once again with PIRAT legal, you are now adding “scammers” to your list of unfounded and slanderous allegations against us? To date, I believe we have seen:

  • Cheaters
  • Botters
  • RMTers
  • Bullies
  • Big old gosh darn meanies

Hire PIRAT, folks, for maximum salt extraction!


chakram i await pictures with a pirat tatoo