[10.0.0 - version 52] GESI - Google Sheets ESI Add-On - Now an EVE Online Partner!

Ok working now.

When i use as example your command =characters_character_skillqueu() it shows me a fully list of every skill i am training in the future (like finish_date, finish_level, skill_id etc all of it . But i only want to extract the finish date and only of the last skill is that possilbe ? i tried it with opt_headers command and finish_date but it dont works.

As to clarify for what i wan to use this, i an overview over 9 chars when SkillTree ends. When there are open industry jobs etc.

Im very new to this GESI and to read from eve data. sry.

See https://github.com/Blacksmoke16/GESI#changing-order-of-column-headers. However instead of just reordering the array, just remove the ones you dont want returned.

GESI is just an method of getting ESI data into sheets, you will of course have to customize/edit it to fit your needs.

Thx it worked. My problem is to learn more from the google sheets commands to combine the commands.

thx for your help!

Hi, I just installed your script on google sheet, and tried to authorize it but just getting this message.

ESI response error: {“error”:“This software has exceeded the error limit for ESI. If you are a user, please contact the maintainer of this software. If you are a developer/maintainer, please make a greater effort in the future to receive valid responses. For tips on how, come have a chat with us in #esi on tweetfleet slack. If you’re not on tweetfleet slack yet, you can get an invite here -> https://www.fuzzwork.co.uk/tweetfleet-slack-invites/","code”:420}(‘GESI’ file, 202line)

can I get some help with this?

Can you give me some details of what you did to produce this?

Nevermind. Don’t know why but it’s working after a day :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, i was trying to figure it out two days but it beat me. Im pretty lame when it comes to programming. Im trying to get lowest sell price and highest buy price from jita on lets say veldspar that id is “1230”. Was trying to use


but didnt work out as i wanted to

Market stuff in ESI is not super easy as you need to parse all the orders for a given type in a given region to figure out max buy and min sell. I would suggest creating a custom function to get price data off one of the market aggregate sites, such as https://market.fuzzwork.co.uk/api/ so that you do not have to do the processing of the raw data yourself.

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5.7.0 May 29, 2018


  • Add dogma_dynamic_items_type_item


  • Add is_blueprint_copy attribute to characters_character_assets.
  • Add is_blueprint_copy attribute to corporations_corporations_assets.

There is a bug with GESI in that it can’t display array of single values atm. As such I am going to dely yesterday’s ESI changes to version 6.0.0. Progress is going well but could use some testers for it.

I also made a Discord server for users to chill in, get help, and request new features etc.

Feel free to message to be a v6.0.0 tester :slight_smile:

6.0.0 June 23, 2018

This major version release focuses on refactoring the backend tooling, the code that generates the GESI files, as well as open sourcing that code.

Breaking Changes

Overall there shouldn’t be that many breaking changes in terms of having to reauth characters or something like that. The main breaking change would be:

  • Order of columns for each endpoint are now in ABC order.

GESI Source Files

The source code for GESI, i.e. the code that generates the functions.gs and endpoints.gs files is written in Crystal.

The code can be found under the src directory and is commented with some info to help guide users if they wish to edit the source to accomplish their own goals. Such as generating the files based on a different version of ESI.

the bin directory contains a statically linked binary (compiled version of GESI.cr) that should be able to be ran on any 64-bit Linux machine (only testing on Debian 9) without installing any dependencies. The benefit of this, for example, is to generate the files yourself versus waiting on me to update them on GitHub.

The binary has a few optional arguments that can be seen HERE, or by doing ./GESI-linux-x86_64 -h

For now there is no Mac/Windows binary as I don’t have an easy way of testing/creating those, and because Crystal doesn’t have full Windows support as of now.

As usual, if i missed anything or something doesn’t work as it did before, please make an issue on the GitHub and I will deal with it ASAP.

PS: Join the discord server!



6.1.0 June 26, 2018

This endpoint brings about support for a select few POST endpoints that are info only; meaning they return data like a GET endpoint, vs causing an action to happen in game.

This was needed as a replacement of the *_names functions. The replacement for all three is now universe_names(ids)


  • characters_affiliation
  • characters_character_assets_names
  • corporations_corporation_assets_names
  • universe_ids
  • characters_character_assets_locations
  • corporations_corporation_assets_locations
  • universe_names

6.2.0 June 27, 2018


6.3.0 June 28, 2018

endpoints.gs and functions.gs are now generated for all ESI version (legacy, latest, and dev). The user can pick which they wish to use.

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Can you add a function to get the market price of an item? Parameters could be itemid, region, buy/sell

That is outside of the scope of GESI. You have all the tools needed to implement one yourself however.

EDIT: I would also be open if someone wants to build a more market specific script built on top of GESI.

6.4.0 July 9, 2018

As a reminder this changelog is only representative of the latest version of ESI.


  • universe_structures_structure v1 => v2
  • universe_systems_system v3 => v4
  • corporations_corporation_orders_history v1 => v2
  • corporations_corporation_orders v1 => v2


  • corporations_corporation_outposts
  • corporations_corporation_outposts_outpost

Hi Blacksmoke,

I did a bit of testing with the function =markets_region_orders.
It seems i can’t make it work properly. For instance try :

Veldspar in Forge region only buy order, 1 page.

I get as output sell order for any Type id items. There is no filtering by type ID and type of order


@Chani_El_zrya Yes, you are specifically requesting only page 1 and only buy orders.

If you wanted all pages and both buy/sell you would do =markets_region_orders("all",10000002,-1,1230)

Oups you misunderstood my previous message.

I wanted to say that the function =markets_region_orders is not working properly.
I dont get what i’m requesting e.g. Veldspar + forge region + buy order

Instead i get as results : random items ID + both buy and sell order ( from the forge region at least)