[10.0.0 - version 52] GESI - Google Sheets ESI Add-On - Now an EVE Online Partner!

@Chani_El_zrya Are you sure? Seems fine to me.

Using : =markets_region_orders(buy,10000002,1,1230,TRUE)

What do you have in the cell to get this?

What version of GESI are you on?


GESI code downloaded 3 days ago

Order type needs to be a string, you just have buy needs to be "buy"

Aaaaaarrrgh. :smirk:
Thanks you.

I was not getting any error, so i supposed it was working as intended.

That field is optional in the ESI request. So you were giving it an invalid option so it was falling back to default of “all”.

6.5.0 August 5, 2018


  • Fixes the data type of the opt_headers param

Which version of ESI do you use for GESI?

  • Dev
  • Latest
  • Legacy

0 voters

7.0.0 aka version 1 August 24, 2018

Version 7.0.0 brings about a major rewrite of GESI to both make it easier to setup, but also to maintain.


  • An actual add-on
  • Now written in TypeScript
  • Implemented cacheing
  • Better readme
  • Much much easier to setup
  • Logging

GESI is now installed via an official Google Sheet add-on. Installation is as easy as installing the add-on, then authing your characters. No more copying files, no more setting up dev apps. Updates come automatically as well.


  • contracts_public_bids_contract
  • contracts_public_items_contract
  • contracts_public_region


  • Add corporation_id param to loyalty_stores_corporation_offers (#35)
  • Fix an error when using the characters_character_mail among others ( #34)
  • Fix inability to parse deep nested JSON (#33)
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It goes nearly without saying but this code set is smokin’.

Any suggestions on smoothest upgrade process?

install it on a clean sheet and setup what you had before.

Will have to reauth your chars, but other than that everything else should work the same.

But do make sure it isnt being used on a sheet with the old setup, the old code will override the add-on.

Fair enough and thanks!

For me this might need to be a “someday” project because of how much I’ve bulilt on it but I’ll take a look as soon as I can.

In theory you could just

  1. Install the add-on
  2. Make a copy of your sheet
  3. Delete the script tied to that sheet
  4. Reauth your chars
  5. Done

But would have to give it a go.

EDIT: Of course if you have custom functions keep the script tied to the copied sheet, just remove all the GESI stuff. Will also have to add GESI as a library, details are for that are in the readme.

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I love Named Ranges and I cannot lie…a couple dozen. But the caching will likely be worth the effort since I have done the inelegant “multiple calls on a tab” method in a few tabs.

I’ll let the thread know what I find.

Generally seems to have worked except…I changed the return column order on a couple of functions. example:
characters_character_assets so that it returns type_id in the left-most column to make vlookups easier.

Short of getting into the actuaTypeScript code and making it “my own”, is there any other way to alter the return order?

Not by default, it returns the data in the same order as ESI returns it. If you really want it done you could create a custom function wrapping it that just returns the data in a diff order. But is up to you.

7.1.0 aka version 2 September 5, 2018


  • refreshToken Ability to refresh the token of a given character. Useful for custom function logic.
  • getRawData Returns the raw JSON data and headers from the ESI request.

For example:

var params = {page: 4};
var rawData = GESI.getRawData("universe_types", params);

It takes the string name of the function you want data from, as optionally an a param object. You can see what params the given function uses by finding it in functions.ts.

The return value is an object with a data property, which is the raw JSON from the ESI request, and a headers property which includes the headers from the request (if you wanted to use X-Pages to do other requests to get all the pages for example).

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7.1.1 aka version 3 September 7, 2018


  • Fix ReferenceError: "name" is not defined. (line 80, file "gesi", project "GESI") when trying to set a new main character or auth for the first time