1000 to 1600 Eve time

Looking for what I hope will be my home. I have two Omega accounts. My main character has about 75m sp. My other character is an Omega who has around 65m sp. I play both characters daily between the hours of 1000 and 1600 Eve time. My primary focus is and probably always will be Indy/Mining/Manufacturing. I have never been into PVP. Not saying that I will not put up a fight to protect but it is not my main interest.

I am a senior player so I prefer a relaxed drama free life with more mature members. I do not mine because I need the isk, I mine because it is relaxing. I also explore, run missions, do ratting, trade, build, sell, etc. I normally play between 1000 and 1600 Eve time. I am used to living in High Sec but am not opposed to new adventures in LS, NS or WH.

I love playing Eve Online and would like to fly with friends. Please let me know if you have any interest so we can have a conversation.


We might fit the bill. We make our home in the Providence region(Null-sec), with easy access to High-sec Amarr market 11 jumps away. Check us out.


I am interested but just wanted to confirm that life in Assistant for Tax Fugitives is active during the hours of 1000 to 1600 Eve Time. Most days that is when I am active and don’t want to disappoint.


Most of our crew are EU based, with sprinkles of North American members. In addition, we are a member of Ceritas Veritas Alliance, which has a spectrum of time zones, but mostly EU. 1000-1600 timeframes mesh with mostly 1400 to 2000 prime time for CVA. If you join, there is much for you to choose from

One caveat, you get out what you put into the Alliance.

Hey man, Looks like we are something you could consider! We are a small growing wormhole corp with PI, indy and mining, Most of our members are US and EU based which seems to fit you, We work around with eachother to build bonds and work together, Check us out and lmk if you have any questions!

Hi @Zeekwiz77 - if you have not yet found a new home, I’d like to invite you to see if CoE fits the bill for what you are looking for. We are in the Brave Collective Alliance, Imperium Coalition. Additionally:

Council Of Exiles was formed out of the want to give new pilots to EVE Online the chance to begin their stories with a community that wanted them to succeed. We’re committed to helping new (and old) pilots find their place in EVE by providing knowledge, infrastructure, growth opportunities and comradery amongst likeminded pilots. We also provide a stable home for many veteran pilots who enjoy teaching and helping the next generation of pilots into EVE’s third decade.

Helping you find your way in New Eden
:ballot_box_with_check: Boosted ore, ice, and moon mining fleets
:ballot_box_with_check: Expansive BPO Library + Industrial structure hub
:ballot_box_with_check: Free starter ship packages for new players
:ballot_box_with_check: Buyback program
:ballot_box_with_check: Skillplans, fittings and guidance for varieties of playstyles
:ballot_box_with_check: Goal-oriented and tight knit family community with an IRL first mentality
:ballot_box_with_check: Active Discord server/Mumble/Slack
:ballot_box_with_check: No skill requirements! No expectations! Play your way!

If you wish to join us in teaching and growing the next generation of EVE players, stop by our Public Channel, Council Of Exiles and speak with any of our recruiters to learn more!

Ethereal Morality Proud Member of the Initiative

✪ Chill Real Life Comes First Group of mature people


✪ PvP :skull_and_crossbones: oriented corp with PVE opportunities.

✪ Plenty of ISK making opportunities to fund PVP.

✪ Extensive Alliance infrastructure in place in space, With Alliance JF Services

✪ Experienced Corp Leadership and FC’s

✪ Friendly Members who are always willing to help

  • What We Require-
    ✪ At least one useful Alt (Cap Or Tackle)

✪ Minimum Age of 18 years old

✪ Omega Account

✪ 35,000,000 SP minimum Must be self-sufficient in: Rating in 0.0, Mining, Exploring, etc… 5 FATs per month requirement

✪ Full ESI on All Characters

✪ No Drama

✪ Willingness to train into Alliance Doctrine Ships and Be part of the Team. We often enjoy playing other games together when not logged into EVE.

If you want to know more Join us on Discord

i see what you got and i got what you want please drop by and read what we have :smiley:

Hi @Zeekwiz77 - if you have not yet found a new home, I’d like to invite you to see if CoE fits the bill for what you are looking for. We are a proud member of the Brave Collective Alliance, Imperium Coalition. Additionally:

Council Of Exiles was formed out of the want to give new pilots to EVE Online the chance to begin their stories with a community that wanted them to succeed. We’re committed to helping new (and old) pilots find their place in EVE by providing knowledge, infrastructure, growth opportunities and comradery amongst likeminded pilots. We also provide a stable home for many veteran pilots who enjoy teaching and helping the next generation of pilots into EVE’s third decade.

Helping you find your way in New Eden
:ballot_box_with_check: Boosted ore, ice, and moon mining fleets
:ballot_box_with_check: Expansive BPO Library + Industrial structure hub
:ballot_box_with_check: Free starter ship packages for new players
:ballot_box_with_check: Buyback program
:ballot_box_with_check: Skillplans, fittings and guidance for varieties of playstyles
:ballot_box_with_check: Goal-oriented and tight knit family community with an IRL first mentality
:ballot_box_with_check: Active Discord server/Mumble/Slack
:ballot_box_with_check: No skill requirements! No expectations! Play your way!

If you wish to join us in teaching and growing the next generation of EVE players, stop by our Public Channel, Council Of Exiles and speak with any of our recruiters to learn more!

Boondocks Industrial: Bringing Business to the Boondocks!!

Our business plan is to Encourage and Inspire Business Opportunities in the many systems that lie at the end of the gravel roads of New Eden. Far from the noise and traffic of the Trade hubs. Where you wave at your neighbors as you pass, sit on your front porch, drink your coffee, read your paper and enjoy the fresh air. All without having to worry about 'bots mining your ore, or gankers knocking on your doors.

Boondocks Industrial is now hiring. We are looking for Mature Entrepreneurs with a background in Trade, Mining and Industry. Creativity, Inventiveness and the ability to think outside of the box. You must be willing to live and work in NPC Null. No experience necessary, we will train the right candidates. PvP experience is a plus, but not required. We will train you if you are interested. You will be strongly encouraged to participate in Alliance and Coalition fleets. We will train you. This is a great opportunity to live and work in a relative stable area of Null-Sec space without the SOV politics. Plenty of business opportunities for the cleaver thinker. For more information contact Umathyor Chelien or Abraham Solis. Or drop into I-BLU Public and ask for Uncle Uma. Bring your own calculator and coffee cup. We Love SpreadSheets!

Boondocks Industrial is part of the I-BLU Alliance and a member of the Syndicate Coalition.

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