115m sp player back looking for NS or LS Corps

Looking for NS Corp most anywhere on the map. 115m sp players. have to post next line twice as people seem to miss it
Will not join any Corp with mandatory fleets
Will not join any Corp with mandatory fleets (like the PAP and forced Reaction fleets)

Check our topic,might be interesting. nothing mandatory

Hey Fenrir,

We might be a good fit. I ran into the same problem as you when i used to search for a corp that fits my playstyle. Never really found one so i started one myself…

welcome back bud am looking for vets to join my corp we live out in sov null and pvp mainly base corp. we play for fun and RL always come first for use all if you want to know more come and have a chat on my alliance discord

Hey! We are part of Shadow Ultimatum and are based in the south in Esoteria. Atm we as a corp are more focused on doing Angel Cartel faction warfare and try to get a foot into LowSec. Maybe we are something for you:

Check out Primal Instinct: Join Primal Instinct! (PvX; Null; Mining; Indy) [Init]

Resurrection complex part of razor sounds like it will suit you perfect, I was 100% the same as yourself I was fed up with the bs from other corps etc so I joined resurrection complex, best move I have done, quiet corp in a very active alliance/ coalition no mandatory fleet just play how you like when you like or even have a station up if that floats your boat I can’t stress it enough it’s the best eve move I have made joining

i hope you have found your home if not gie us a read / try

Stain life - Corporations & Alliances / Recruitment Center - EVE Online Forums

Bump. Lowsec happily accepted as well :slight_smile:

Hey Fenrir

No.Mercy corporation leads Triumvirate [TRI] alliance and is actively recruiting combat pilots who enjoy challenging fleet fights and PVP conflict while living independently in low and nullsec. Our corporation is active in both EU and US time zones, consisting of veteran players from around the world.

We don’t passively sit around waiting for others to make the first move: combat deployments, black ops hunting, roams, gate camps–we stay busy having fun.

Now is your chance to join and make your own mark on EVE with us!

Garst Tyrell [DISCORD ID: garsttyrell ]
Lutar Torax [DISCORD ID: lutartorax ] EU TZ
Sir Beto [DISCORD ID: bet0lino ] EU TZ
VisionCloud [DISCORD ID: visioncloud ] US TZ
The CloudyOne [DISCORD ID: cloudyone ] US TZ
Concealed [DISCORD ID: wolfmannc ] US TZ

Please join the “No.Mercy Pub” channel in game and speak to our recruiters today!


  • Active, engaged membership across EU and US time zones
  • Veteran FCs aggressively creating objective-based fleet fights and other PVP fun
  • An Independent, minimal blues life style with plenty of targets
  • Fly command ships, t2, t3 cruisers, and faction battleships with capital support
  • Refine your combat and FC skills as you take on new roles and learn from each other


  • Active players committed to helping the corp and alliance succeed
  • Experienced pilots with an established PVP record on zKillboard
  • 2 or more PVP focused accounts, with capital capable alts preferred
  • English is the official language of our corporation

Check us out by clicking the link below and if your interested in what we have to offer then jump onto our discord for a chat. We would love to talk to you!


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