120m SP PVP player looking for USTZ lowsec group

LF a lowsec group. I have many alts, and a keen interest in BLOPs and gatecamping.
i’m looking for a group to help revitalize my interest in the game.
reply here, mail me in game.
my kb:https://zkillboard.com/character/2114449092/


With this new patch and the many changes to nullsec, there so much fun and pvp content to be had.Both med/large but also small gang.Other than that, we are most of the times deployed and running campaigns for the pvp side of the game.If you will not find anything that suits you up in low sec, you should def take a look at our group, we are offering most of what players are looking in this game.


We do blops all day, always looking for more hunters.

Greetings. We are currently looking for more lowsec pirates to join the fun. Mostly US TZ based with some EU. Look forward to talking with you.

Welcome to the group lol only joking come and have a chat

maybe bump

o7 Ive sent u a ingame mail and would love to chat further :slight_smile: