131.591 Superior Exoplanet Hunter Skin Crates - 300 bil - worth 3 tril in 3 years

Do you have to open them one at a time?

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-> probably yes. The usual way is to open them each at a time.

But i also thought about opening a ticket and kindy ask CCP if there is a way to open them at once.

I guess those crates are 30 % of the years and years of Exoplanet Research left.

-> You can see about the outcome in my thread ->Market->Services->WallecctrosPrivateBanking.

-> Additionally there are Titan and Supercap Skins.

-> HINT -> No reasonable man sells skins …

At some point, somebody is going to have to open these crates. Do not assume that CCP won’t expire them and turn them into “melted snowballs”

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I just before your post opened a ticket and asked what is possible.

Let´s see.

Please let us know what they say

@xeux @Steveness

A Game Master just informed me they have no tools to open the skin crates.

Evepraisal at the moment : https://evepraisal.com/a/wa7pk

-> more buy then sell orders

-> notable sell orders 50 % higher

It is a perfect investing good i think.

As the crates do not spawn anymore in the Exoplanet Discovery Program.

The prise can only rise.

I do not se a way to loose money by taking the crates.

And i offer my Private Banking Services whes the crates somewhen shall be sold.

What items are in the crates?

@Imperial_Contracts :

something like this : https://evepraisal.com/a/u1y80

Its my private collection, nof of my customer that means.

Additional super and titan skins .

Have a look at them : Thea are all called Exoplanet Hunter Skin …

I think they look nice … so blue and brown. Trendy colour in RL.

And there alre also some Plex in it. But not so many.

In the Superior crates are always 2 things / Skins … Standard crate an single mostly bad skin.

Cool, ty.

I just tried to do Project Discovery ( reward = the crates ) myself and failed this incredible …

I assume my contract has a time-to-create-base of 10 to 20 years permanent clicking.

It wasn’t quite as bad before. The current iteration is laughable.

The skins of the crates will be used with the time.
They become less.

=> The price of the crates can only rise.

Contract still active.

Contract still active.

And up we go … -> price, too ? ?

( Jita Sell at 453 bil, 150 bil higher then contract : https://evepraisal.com/a/wdlh1 )

would you be willing to split up the amount? say 1bil (sorry im space broke) worth at a time?


I am not so really up for making 300 contracts of this.

See, I also sell market power.