docked in jita 4-4
no assets, mail or contacts
1 remap avail. now
was indy support char
has science, trade, and pi skills
is set up farming datacores
positive wallet
eveboard pw=12345
10b minimum
12b buyout
Can you put the EvE board here? I tried just putting the user in EvE board and the pass, but it isn’t giving me any stats.
yep one sec…i had a login error cuz my accounts are not linked. I will get info up asap.
Will bo at 12b if eveboad posted
ok should be fine. i’ll take buyout by Ronni. can transfer isk to Willi Gates. evemail a destination.
Eveboad is showing no remaps so sorry I have to retract my offer.
he has 1 available. not sure as to why it says 0. looking into it.
say 1 remap available now on the character. It’s not a bonus remap. he has 1.
was inactive about 5 yrs… he has a remap.
(5y 250d)
still open for purchase!!
Can you screen shot or something if it has a remap im happy to buy.
Yeah looks good to me.
Drop corp and we have a deal sorry for the mess about.
he is good to go. It accepted the quit this time.
corp dropped. send isk to Willi Gates. I’ll initiate the transfer. evemail in game acct destination.
All the different apis that eve offers only return a hard coded value for bonus remaps not normal. For normal it returns a date that you can make an assumption on if it’s in the past
Isk and account name sent sorry for delay
transfer initiated. ty.
4/22/2018 2:31:16 AM UTC 1 x EVE Character Transfer $20.00 Paid
July 21, 2018, 2:33am
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