150mm Prototype Gauss Gun

I’m sure if Praxis blueprints existed it wouldn’t take 1 trit to build it.

It would be fairer – wherever you read that quote – to say everything is player built or player looted.

The original devs are long long gone, so there’s no truthful answers. I can only provide speculation, so feel free to ignore it. It looks to me had to do with the whole original concept of loot drops, with meta 6+ being the really good ones dropped by special NPCs, and meta 2-4 being the “normal” weapons dropped by “normal” NPCs. The drops make sense for the NPCs killed – lasers for sansha, missiles for guristas – and the alternative would have been (had meta 2-4 not existed) for them to drop vanilla T1 or T2, tanking the player built market. Instead there’s the player-built and player-looted market.

In theory, it seemed CCP wanted players to start with vanilla T1 gear of the matching faction for their pirates they were fighting (cause back in the day your starting skills were different depending which race you started) and loot your way to meta 4’s from your drops. The traditional MMO grind.

Meta levels used to have a much larger and important role in New Eden. Tiericide beginning in 2012-ish began to get rid of that.

Those turrets don’t drop in Hisec so I’ll just have to buy them as previously planned, by selling what I get from ratting and salvaging.

I was afraid someone would say that. I like EVE but it feels soulless.

That’s great, that’s the way it should be; but I don’t see why that turret can’t be manufactured and dropped as loot. I have gotten drops with modules that do have their blueprints and not just ammo but shields, turrets, repairers and even rigs but 150mm Gauss Gun ditched his friends at the party.

What does CCP have to say about what I do or how I may start in a Sandbox? It’s like uncle telling me if I want to build a sandcastle or a bridge or a pretty sandfish or anything I like.

Yea that sucks bricks. A Sanbox with a linear path to “success” Yoo-hooo a f1 monkey life for me yo-ho

150mm Prototype Gauss Guns drop regularly when ratting in Gallente space.

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I’ve been ratting in Gallente space but maybe not in the systems with the right security rating for the NPCs to drop that turret.
I’ll keep trying for it. Give me something to do anyway.

Thank you for all your responses.

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They’re not so expensive anyway. I have a dozen of them I don’tuse. I’ll contract them to you.

I’m glad you answered honestly.

As for me, I’m pretty sure we’re getting trolled and the 2 alts are just talking to each other :smiley:

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