I was unable to find a “Suggestions” group on the forums, so posting it here.
I have a suggestion regarding changes to rat loot and the building of T1 mods from blueprints.
So, as everyone knows, Meta mods from rat loot, and T2 are the only fittings that are really used on ships. There are hundreds of T1 blueprints in the game that thats sole use is for copying for invention, or for T2 production.
The T1 mods themselves are rarely used, because the common rat loot is both superior in stats and cheaper cost.
I’ve seen dozens of examples where i can buy a piece of rat loot for say 20k isk, in near unlimited quantities, and for me to build the T1 version from a blueprint, which is inferior in every way, costs 60k isk in minerals, let alone the job install costs etc.
That’s a recipe for a broken system, in a game where Industry and a player driven economy are the core of the game.
You guys have been working on module “teiracide” for what, 4 to 5 years now, and are still not done. This was a much needed change, however it does not solve the above mentioned problem.
So my suggestion is this: Give the plain T1 mods built from blueprints the stats of the current rat loot, “Compact”, “Enduring” etc into a single mod, and then balance the T2 versions so they they are better in every way, but require more Skills, cpu and grid to fit, as well as having a naturally greater cost.
Remove the common meta versions from the game entirely. (Faction and Deadspace excluded, though deadspace types need to be greatly reduced as well. Having mulitple types of A, B,C, X is way redundant.)
This would be HUGE boon to the industry of the game, as every single fitting (again Faction, Deadspace,Officer excluded), would be player produced. It also gives value to researching all blueprints to reduce your build costs, not just Ship hulls and Cap parts.
This would also be a major reduction in the items in the database, and make it much easier for newer players to understand. Having 7-12 different kinds of the same mod is just cluttered and confusing, especially when only 2-3 of the variations are useful, and the rest just get melted down for minerals.
Take a look at the variations tab on the “Drone Navigation Computer” in the game. That’s how nice and clean that tab should look for ALL mods in the game. (with the exception of having a couple more Faction or Deadspace types.)
Now, you can’t remove rat loot completely, without compensating for the minerals that they yeild from reprocessing, which is what happens to 70% of the loot anyway.
To compensate for this, i would suggest that normal rats start dropping a new set of Low, Medium, and High Quality metal scraps in place of the pre-built meta mods.
Low Quality contain Trit and Pyrite.
Medium Quality contain Trit, Pyrite, Mex, and Isogen.
High Quality contain some of all minerals.
Or, if it makes it easier for you to balance the numbers correctly:
Low is Trit, pyrite
Medium is Mex, Iso, Nox
High is Zydrine and Megacite.
I would suggest to stop working on the Tieracide, and do something like this instead. It would be an all around better solution and boon for the industry side of the game IMHO.
Maddax Mcloud