I just wanna start this by saying I think it’s kind of silly, from a realism point of view, that weapon systems have a racial aspect to them. Realistically all races would have come up with most of, if not all, of these systems simultaneously. Also, it’s kind of strange how Gal and Cal share Hybrid weapons, though really it’s more gal-Blaster cal-Rail and then their missile/drone flair has been squelched a lot by Ama and Min ship changes. Anyways, I think this was silly in the first place. Here’s what I think should be done instead…
- No more weapon bonuses for T1 hulls.
- Separate Turrets, Drones and Missiles into 2 categories:
Primary weapons - Turrets
Auxiliary weapons - Missiles & Drones
1.) First of all this gives all T1 ships much greater diversity. I honestly don’t understand the reasoning behind weapon specific bonuses in the first place. Much less having weapon bonuses on every ship in general. Just let the weapons be as strong as their supposed to be. Any enhancement should be Modular or Role specific. i.e.: AF and HAC. Then instead of having “Meta” levels, you can just have Racial versions of each weapon system. i.e.: Gallente Medium Pulse Laser or Amarr Large Artillery Cannon And you can still have “Navy” etc versions too.
Since turrets will no longer be racial, they can cover all races equally as primary weapons. Then we can change the way Drones and Missiles work.
2.) Drones and Missiles will both use a “Launcher”. Small/Medium/Large: 25/50/80 m3. (or maybe separate launchers) Ships will still have Bandwidth to control the number of drones active and drones will stay mostly unchanged.
Missiles: 3 Tiers: Rocket (small 10m3), Missile (medium 20m3), Torpedo (large 40m3). Missiles will require bandwidth to fire. (10/20/40) The maximum number of missiles will fire each cycle. For instance, with 20Mb a small launcher could launch 2 rockets or 1 missile, With 80Mb a Large launcher could fire 8 rockets 4 missiles or 2 torpedoes. Launcher Cycle time/reload time and Missile damage will be significantly increased. (30s cycle, 5ish min reload?) All short range, heavy emphasis on sig for application. Explosions don’t stop arbitrarily in space before expanding…
This divides Missiles and Drones into unique auxiliary roles. Drones would be fairly unchanged: strong consistent dps. Missiles however would fit a new role: High damage alpha strike. You can use it to break through critical shield recharge or you can save it for someone who’s trying to rep bait you. Or with Rockets, a BS would make swiss cheese out of a single frigate. Or with a gang you can alpha individuals. (Sorry high sec miners lol) And honestly, this seems more of what Missiles should be like.
What do yall think?