2005 Nag pilot 2m bonus Unallocated SP

This is an OLD Toon

Not been used in over 4200days - 2MILLION UNALLOCATED SP

Toon Skills

Rare Old Girl

Even comes with an old fitted Dread and i mean old

Old Nag Pic

Them rigs right Hashtag OldSkool

Positive Wallet
No Kill Rights if they were they be 11 years old xD

Ok to the price

Start 14b
Buyout 18b

Dropping to 12b. Barely any Cybernetics skill

2m unallocated - add some cyber skills

Updating offer to 14B

As i am not up for a long auction offer accepted

Please send isk and account name

Isk and account sent

Deal fell over due to seller’s account problems. If seller is still interested once issues are resolved, we can resume the sale.

16B - if there’s issues and it’s temporary just let me know and I’ll make sure I have liquid isk on hand waiting.

17bil offer

18 bil buy out


Bid From Chakaa Accepted Deal Made in Game to be traded when Acc Restriction Resolved

Confirmed, Awaiting Restriction resolution


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