2018/03/20 - Unscheduled Downtime Extension

Yea sad thing is that it’s really hard to stress-test for large scale real-world conditions. I’ve experienced that myself. Sometimes you’ve just got to deploy and let the ■■■■ hit the fan xD


CCP Lebowski has said a reboot is coming in rookie chat.

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Could not connect to login server right now

Chat broken. MOTD missing and can not edit it for my corp channel. Funnily enough it works fine (seems so) for my public channel. Jita local is completely empty and no communication at all. When looking up a character info window it shows nothing just the name of the character. Tried to load contracts but it just keeps saying fetching data and no progress beyond that. Didn’t even bother to undock. EVE is broken right now.

My client will not load, just says starting launch process then just sits there?

connection lost, strange things happend, couldn’t dock, my ship is outside cit cloaked at 0m to cit wtf…

Orca stuck in space and under npc attack… \o/

they are rebooting right now and addressing these issues.
relax guys, this patch just got published, so give it a few to fine tune things

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CCP Wonderboy was just saying in-game that they were doing another restart, this second one was intentional - don’t worry too much :slight_smile:

Eyyy! Back to TQ being down for maintenance. Fancy that.

That said, when one knows that there CAN be (and actually there WERE once) issues when deploying to multiple servers then he sets up a testing environment of at least 2 servers (instead of selling them out to fans).

Ofc stress tests are hard, but we do not speak about things being slow. We do speak about things being uttery broken

Tried to complete an event site. Damage applied to enemies with 30s delay, unable to launch drones and to reload ammo. I think something is wrong there.

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yah just making a post is all, takes as long as it takes lol

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i will not relax! ITS TIME TO PANIC!


Just wanted to say hi, so hi guys!


At least this chat works guys!


karmafleet is recruiting

cant get drones back in,

cant loot mtu,

all saved chats are gone (not the ones i hade open)

all notepads are gone and cant close the note pad

eidt: 12:27:53 Notify The item is locked. It was locked at 2018.03.20 12:23:54. No reason was specified. when i tryed to drag stuff from mtu to cargo… rip boosters

edit2: socket closed… this is it boys eve is dead!!

think this will be a long one, who will start the pizza gofundme?

Well this was a pre-announced patch day so you should take precautions as always even if CCP’s track record was flawless regarding applying patches… which it isn’t as we all know.

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