2018/03/20 - Unscheduled Downtime Extension

One day off a week (Tuesday) to enjoy Eve and this… typical BS.

This deserves compensation, any other industry would provide compensation. I pay good money to play this game with 5 accts running, when I plan play time, that is what I expect, play time, not down time

i will remain Alpha from this point on unless when i make a ticket i AM COMPENSATED…

its always the management.


eve is dying!

i agree

I suggest changing your day off, updates are always on Tuesdays

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To everyone in this chat room - omega status for free! :nerd_face::nerd_face:


give everyone a free skill injector


My cat’s breath smells like cat food


We are not. A actual deployment to these kinds of servers are usually riddled with dificulties. Now let play devils advocate did you participate in any of the mass test to test this on sisi ? Noo ? well then don’t complain sisi is never loaded as heavily as TQ is when 10k raging mouth breathing nerds go all spastic over a video game that is arguably getting its largest overhaul for the year. Something that removes a lot of old code that has actually been holding development back.

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Can’t stop laughing reading this thread. People whining about SPs and lost game time. And all I want is extension on contract auction deadline :blush:


ur stuffs (x5accounts)…

Eve not gonna compensate anyone sadly

Legacy code has finally became self-aware. The process has begun…

Source: What happens when pos's get removed? - #3 by Uriel_the_Flame



New player here. I’m surprised to see that there isn’t more salt on the forum :P. It’s a good sign that the Devs aren’t competely incompetent and this kind of down time is uncommon.

At least I’m in a station. This waiting makes me all…jiggly!

lol i kill npc bs and he drop loot but resp again, i cant scoop my drones, reload rockets and loot wreck (after restart). welldone ccp.