2018/03/20 - Unscheduled Downtime Extension

You are aware this basically happens every time they update a major part of the game right? Just take whats happening and deal with it, its not CCP’s fault, it happens to literally almost every MMO.


I’m not old and I’m Hispanic so that doesn’t work so well in a lot of cases

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@ISD can we get a cleanup on isle this thread?


good luck

Eve offline


except the corporations that tell you everything about your life yes? yes… how to eat what to wear… even sell you nails to keep the zombies out i got ya… living the “dream” lolz

CCPlease!!! If it isn’t broke to begin with then don’t mess with it. Again something gets added and we all suffer without what we pay for because of it. Really kind of lame. CCP Step It UP!!!

^.^ can we post animated GIF on the forums?

Dark side of eve Nooooo

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Only if you buy a gif posting permit from me for 500 mil ISK. :wink:

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Maybe they tell you everything about your life, they don’t tell me. I make my own choices. Great thing about having an independent mind.

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Free SP wuuhuu :smiley:

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Old Perv been typing a book as a comeback :slight_smile:

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Honestly, they are doing the best they can. :slight_smile: As long as I can still do my Bombers Bar. :3

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the illusion of independence… a choice among choices is not a choice…

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Maybe he passed out and his face is on the keyboard ever since? :thinking:

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well worth it though as good things come to those who wait. Just picked up 120 mil loot and a 28 hour all plus 10 cerebral from the rattle snake in the new content.

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I can’t wait for Godwin’s law to kick in on this thread.

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Well keep it up guys, Is the second time this month tho, any compensation in mind !? :slight_smile:
