2018/03/20 - Unscheduled Downtime Extension

guys, it’s not funny

What an awful afternoon… my miners/ratters were just chillin in the sun while I was the only bot actually working.
Strange new world - I do not like it, really not.

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I think you’re lagging.

I see… so do you harvest your own cotton, spin your own thread, design and produce your own pants or do you go to the store and buy a pair that you like?

A choice among choices is not always oppressive.

Remember Cleaning Lady for when you return and wish to do some great spring cleaning! Check biography in game!



I wasn’t aware, that aspects like “chat” were a “major part” of the game.

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Now that;s funny

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get rid the bots be alot better also

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Well I give them credit for all thier hard work at messing things up. I just hope they give us all some sort of compensation for us paying them for something we can’t use while they are “fixing” it


Who put CCP Godot in charge of the patch?


Old but gold


this must be a fozzy patch right this is normaly for ccp fozzie


I understood !! they test the load on the forum :sunglasses:

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I think CCP owes all of us some free ■■■■ for putting up w this today

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Did it diedied?

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i lost a lot of paid game time

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less than $1 so far


so happy i didn’t get the years sub

they do not give a ■■■■ about it

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same here as well as everyone who plays EVE

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It does since 1988.
