2018/03/20 - Unscheduled Downtime Extension


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The paid time currently equates to roughly .08 cents US or less, depending where / how much you get your time codes.

You do realize a single day of lost gameplay cost you… $0.50 US, right? Sure “opportunity cost” is a thing, but as this is all our most glorified hobby, it’s not that bad. I’ve flown to another state to do some climbing, unexpected weather rolled in, and we were forced to come home early. Wish I could have gotten reimbursed for that!


that’s not the point

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no but that seems to be the lifestyle that most libertarians subscribe to… no taxes = no rule of law… its the standard tenant… no public education means people can’t make educated decisions like voting… it’s the rule of the elite over the little guys… might as well have a junta in charge…

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This is just taking the piss now 4pm ffs lost most of the day

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CCP, it’s not funny anymore. You must give each a large injector! :sob:


Who would’ve thought the chat wouldn’t work properly with all the bugs we experienced on singularity up til release day.


just look at what nestle did in africa when they found out their infant formula was causing babies to die due to guardia… they upped advertising… no rules means the corporations make the rules and there are very few democratic workplaces… ps I used to believe the libertarian nonsense so… its ok to be wrong hahaha - here’s your book :slight_smile:

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but every penny counts when you are on a fixed income like so many people

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and if said flight was delayed on the way home?

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Came back yesterday, now i realize why i quit again.



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It’s exactly the point

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Once you got it be sure to bring it to Jita to sell it… in a shuttle. :smiling_imp:

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All the whiny, salty, entitled millenials on this thread are seriously annoying.



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i cant believe that some of u tight wad fkrs are speaking about RL money lost due to down time… we get FREEEEEEEEEEEEE patches and upgrades… one of the few games left that do it… so shut up n go for a walk.