2018/03/20 - Unscheduled Downtime Extension

it needs more PSssssssssssshhhhhhhh

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Throws a bored Venture.

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I’d do a strip tease for isk…


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And the funny thing is… if they’d just disable chat for a couple of days no one but Jita local residents would even notice.


Lets keep it clean, people. Thank you.


Maybe 2 large skills injectors can pay all time we lost…

  • Some1 called Putin yet?
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only 2?

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good idea

my bad but i cant spin the forums so posting memes is the way forward

Please only use engrish in this forum section.

Edit: Sorry, I’m bored.

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we am fix the sever and we will be calm



No, they’re going.


CCP here’s a simple fix, Remove this garbage patch, Let us play on the old game while you fix the patch. We payed, now let us play. FIX THIS PATCH ON YOUR OWN TIME. Reimbursement expected

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Go in the ass with your events.
Go in the ass with your test servers and clusters.
Who will return our paid time?
