You mean industry standard XML back end that will still be maintained by ccp but will cost them way less man hours. Then yes you are correct
pls stop deleting my awesome posts
It is god punishing us !!
One question!!! Do we really neeed a chat? ppl use TS/Discord at this stage of the game every one knows everyone so who really cares.
“At its core, XMPP is a technology for streaming XML over a network.”
Why do we need this, again?
Programmers - to shoot.
been longer than 15 minutes down time
come on CCP! I just got in from work and your telling me I will have to spend time with my wife and kids! WTF
Read the TOS/EULA. You have no rights.
But stay calm, CCP usually gives out unallocated SP to compensate for these kind of downtimes.
Hey, you know what DOES work? The Third party chat software I communicate with my corp on. Do you know what I couldn’t do with an in-game Chat revamp right now? Chat with my corp. Hard to be excited about a feature I didn’t need that is not letting me do what I do need. To play the game.
EVE has been offline more in the last 8 hours than it has been up. I am glad for the hard work of CCP Devs, but at this point, I just want to know when I can get back to my game and start addressing the many problems I have already seen caused by this patch.
MAN!, this thing is STILL DOWN!!! I like, did…other…stuff. For a WHILE, and like, still…I…I don;t know what to do now…I am scared… Is EvE dead?
17:30 UTC - We are currently deploying March 1.1 patch release with a number of fixes.
I believe in you, ССР! Fix it please!
can they erase the progress of all the characters and are now afraid to let people on the server?
They will send us a large skill injector as a compensation, don’t worry…
dying right now