Can I be a VIP?
Who is a VIP?
They’ve been talking about big changes and extended downtime for today’s patch for ages. If you logged in immediately when the servers came up and expected no server issues, I got bad news for you.
You probably have to pay for ViP… oh, wait. I am Omega, I DO pay. Why am I no VIP?!?
That is no argument.
For a mere 500 PLEX or equivalent ISK I can grant you VIP status. Just transfer the ISK or contract the PLEX and I will double your ISK… I mean set you VIP status right away.
Developers, near-completely
vip means employee access
But I can’t log i… oh wait is this a scam?
Hi, you must be new here.
Ah. Good to know. LIke the cut-off section on the map, I suppose.
what’s that weird sound when you hit the heart button?
No scamming allowed in the help chanel … oh crap… this aint the help channel is it lol
Absolutely not a scam, here let me sign into my alts to post… I mean request my prior satisfied buyers to post their encouraging comments.
You dont say?
So.,… CCP pays ppl to have ViP access. And ppl pay CCP to… not have access?
I smell a scam right here and there…
Only one system in that area is technically theirs J7HZ-F and A821-A are the Jove regions, and UUA-F4 is held by no one
WTS: WIP slots, you can play now!!! only 10b isk/year
Not like I’ve got anything else to do while sort this out.