2018/05/10 - Connectivity Issues - DDoS Attack

I’m sure it was not for “nothing”, am pretty confident a fellow capsuleer will be helpful in recovering your remains (both loot and your corpse)… not entirely sure if you will see them back ever again though. :neutral_face:

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I would have - but couldnt bear to post in a thread with a really bad title…

well thats eve :rofl:

Well, heres hoping it doesnt take too long to stablise. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Also nice: We can now access this thread from the banner. Makeshift solution but still good start. :+1:

Lucky thing I was in station fitting up my new Vargur.

I figured something was up when it was taking forever just to load ammo into the Cargohold.

Guess I could watch a movie or two, wait for you guys to get it all sorted out … again.


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I think I just lost my ship because of this. I was in endless transition, then when it came back, I had less then half my shield, no overview, modules didn’t work and could not move anywhere. To make matters worse I had nearly a billion in my hold worth of fittings and my Occator is not cheap either. So what happens if I loose it all?

Any news on what’s doing on? This is happening far too frequently now.


Yet again, getting sick of this.

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Same for me. Just docked in Jita, and now nothing is accessible anymore, not even the starmap.

Weird. First the launcher was blank, then it said there was 21k people online, then it shot up to 30k, and then back to 21k.


European DDoS again?

Just lost my connection and was thrown out.


Nice thing about eve-offline: It still says “Tranquility: Ok”

Possible there are still people connected, not sure.

Managed to get to character select but it’s hanging.

Log off didn’t work, had to kill via task manager.

the launcher is saying 13k online.

Sweet, My main is in a gate jump for the past 5 min :))) loooong gate jump what can I say :)), not to mention she is wardecced :)))