test server is up
Tell me wehre it is, so i can check it for you
VIP botters.
Is EVE dead?
gentemen ( no woman play eve)
we can all start soammign this channel or let the gm’s focus on solving the problem that causes this defect
i say stop talking here so they can have all theyr ppl working on the problem !!
ps: i dont like to be nice to ccp but they do need some support from us ( not spamming this channel)
Well, i told you so.
Freeing all these slaves was a bad idea. Now you have a revolution in your hands.
Their nyx will take all green anomalies all over the new edem?
are we going to get replacements for our loss due to this issue?
I was in a combat site and then DCed.
usernames are being made
only 0.0003125% of the world chooses to play eve
what ever gave you they idea any 1 from ccp is looking at the forums?
lol this is for talking while the game is down
The best Response
I’m on now, i am people who was chosen. god found me.
They’re not reading any of this anyway, so no. “Spamming”, as you put it, this thread hinders them in no way. unless they truly are incompetent.
Welcome to EVE Offline.
ничего не можете нормально сделать! урода рукожопые! компенс за этот день гони мне!!!
they not even looking at support tikets its 1 month now and not even a single sentence from them