I don’t know what the rest of you are doing, but I’m online and rocking it.
Should really think about changing the name of the game into “EVE Offline”
Nana really saving the day.
всем привет в этом чатике
I think they fixed that, every time this has happened to me they are scooped automatically and i have them in drone bay.
can we wait for https://zkillboard.com/kill/71303053/ at his abyssal exit?
MUM, Im coming upstairs for a shower
WTF its me your son
I know but EVE ofline so…
what you mean you calling the cops
684 players, time to rat!!1!1!111!
Back online now !
What about some Unscheduled up-time?
Man I forgive u its not your fault.
I have a question. Will we get some kinde of compensation if we get killt during the downtime?
(Sorry new player)
Just a little more info from the log files:
info 2018-07-17T17:50:54 23916 evelauncher web info: Refreshing access token for **** 1 https://launcher.eveonline.com/release/2921/static/js/main.66c1bbf6.js
error 2018-07-17T17:50:54 23916 evelauncher web error: XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://lts.ccpgames.com/launcher/refresh/. Response to preflight request doesn’t pass access control check: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Origin ‘https://launcher.eveonline.com’ is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 503. 0 https://launcher.eveonline.com/release/2921/?running
info 2018-07-17T17:50:54 23916 evelauncher web info: Encountered an error while refreshing token for ****: Token refresh request failed, could not connect to https://lts.ccpgames.com/launcher/refresh/ 1 https://launcher.eveonline.com/release/2921/static/js/main.66c1bbf6.js
Its never alternate universes…