We aren’t a game company in real life that purposely makes very vague rules that could be white or black depending on the interpretation and we don’t perma ban people for stuff they don’t even do.
The rules here are simple and it’s very obvious whats right and wrong.
If i kill a venture that is completely afk but i fail to kill pod, yet this pod will sit here afk and after 15minutes i’ll come and kill it - will this be counted?
You said concord kill must be posted, however what if I get killed by player (thinking of those stupid jita antigankers who are eager to spam F1 to oneshot your thrasher right after you go criminal)? Or sentry guns?
Do you really think this is the work of one or even two people? LOL CODE. has a lot of enemies. All I’ve done is email many of the corps/alliances you’ll ganked over a certain period of time. Believe it or not, most of them are eager to donate out of corps alts with varying different ages to this cause. You better look at the results of this contest very very close.
Nothing personal guys. At first I was in it for the PLEX, but now that I’m bringing in others to help, the PLEX will be sold and the profit split. It’s more about the laughs at this point!
why not if you can farm idiots because there will be people coming back thinking they figured out a way to mine and not get ganked yet get ganked again.
So what you’re saying is, a heap of butthurt carebears are going to be killed in ventures in the name a of CODE. organised event to kill carebears in ventures.
Is anyone checking progress so far? I would love to see some stats on this event. So far I only heard Isanamo is the no #1 in ammount of ventures killed.
Oh im checking that, i was just wondering if someone is making any stats using API or killboard fetch. The above link is also showing all kills of ventures lowsec/nullsec/wardec/suspect so its hard to see the real participants.