2019/05/14 - Market & Fleet Broadcast Issues


12:30 UTC

Investigation into issues is still ongoing - apologies for the disruption this is causing.

12:45 UTC

We’re currently in the process of faultfinding and hope to have the issue resolved as soon as possible.

13:00 UTC

Investigation is still ongoing, more information as soon as we have it!

13:15 UTC

We’re currently still investigating the issues with Tranquility and hope to have things resolved as soon as possible, apologies for the disruption that these problems are causing.

13:30 UTC

Services are beginning to recover, however we’re still investigating underlying issues with the cluster.

13:45 UTC

Issues with Tranquility have been successfuly resolved and we are now monitoring the health of the cluster.

:heart: Apologies for the disruption to gameplay :heart:

:heart: Normal serious spaceship business may now resume :heart: