Unbearable. None of the chat channels are working for an entire Corp

Dont know where to post this but this is unbearable. Since the Tidi fest in Geminate an hour or so ago, all the fleet chats have stopped working, leaving fleet and joining a new, the old fleetchat reappears and continues to send old messages, the new fleet chat does not work at all, local is either blank or has 300 players from a system 20 jumps back, channels keep getting garbled with both names from previous fleet and new fleet on top of each other, messages are not being sent in any channels nor in local. I have never seen it this bad in my entire 3 years in EVE. Please reset your server, do a downtime right now or do whatever you have to. Its impossible to play like this right now. Please. Do something.


Chat seems to be down across EvE. None of my alts have any chat channels right now so I cant link stuff and locations, nor can I talk to any friends who may be online.

CCP is aware of the problems (everyone is pissed, and devs are frustrated too) and they are looking at fixes. By end of January they will determine the best course of action; either fix it or a complete revert to the old system.


Chat seems to be down across EvE. None of my alts have any chat channels right now so I cant link stuff and locations, nor can I talk to any friends who may be online.


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Good to know it isn’t just me. Went down about 03:50.

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So what the workaround for this issue, keep out of eve and what if u lose a ship cause no intel and no local ?
They make all to wormwhole space :wink:

get over the last days a lost and reconnect to chat system.

Fly safe

Now is the time too launch those Citadel attacks in Null Space.

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Working as intended. And yet a lot of players want CCP to stick with this chat system…

Not just Local, it’s still not working on any chat channel here at 09:20. CCP, I don’t think you can afford to wait until the end of the month to start thinking about perhaps doing something to rectify this (as per your blog), needs action ASAP.

By the END OF JANUARY??? woha, sure, no hurry guys, its just a core part of the game…


Canot open probe scanner , canot see station hud, canot see FITINGS IN STATION , NO CHAT CHANNEL, THIS IS NOT A GAME …

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