2019/06/24 - DATABASE ISSUES

How much free SP to compensate ???

I left a 700m ship in space while doing missions, I hope it has not been blown up.

I can confirm that shooting lazer beams at you screen does nothing to help you login

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Halfway through a deadspace pocket, hope my ship isn’t in little bits

My ship a Victorieux Luxury Yacht is in space, what if I loose it, it cost a fourtune this ship

Cloud Hosting sucks, bring it all back to Iceland where it belongs.


It finally happened: EVE died for real. It’s done, it’s gone. Now we can go play other games we’ve not been allowed to talk about and have been suppressing for all those years.

/installs WOW.

■■■■ happens… hope theirs nothing serious.
All the best :slight_smile:

Это обновление или что? Что случилось то?

I hope this wont be long I was caught by the disconn from the server in space and busy.

Looks like I lost Gila in the abyss. Fun. I hope you will return it to me.

Turns out using high explosives on you PC tower also does doesn’t help you login

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Everything is alright on my site. I Can play. No problem, CCP



My 17 rorqual alts are out mining 0.0

my drones… jack, sandy, billy, samuel and lil timmy, all gone for sure :frowning:


Oh man , my toon currently rating at wormhole …:sob::sob::sob:

Time to get out and scan drones down… :slight_smile: Profit to be made.


is this real life…
is it just fantasy…

wow managed to log in, thanks CCP wow that was fast fix !!! ship was not lost in space , yeahhh !!!