2025 Roadmap

Thank you for saving me the time in watching ccp’s little video that was just a word salad.

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In my personal opinion, it has less to do with the older players and groups having power, and more to do with the inability of the “new blood” players to work together. Everyone wants to have their own, personal little 2-man corp and kingdom. That’s why there are 37 million 2-man corps. You’ll never get anywhere that way because you also don’t want to put for the effort required to grow to the size of the older, more established corps.

Long story short, it’s on you. If you want to be as big as Goons, PH, or whoever, just do it. The problem is you can’t get enough new players on board to do that. They can’t be bothered. So, the status quo remains…


I wonder if CCP hired the Frostpacker entity as a consultant. :thinking:

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :psyccp: :blush:


You’ve certainly got a lot of tough slogans. I mean, for a guy who’s been out of the game for 8 years, never lost much beyond cheap T1 ships, and only got kills as part of a fleet.

Are you sure you’re up for the things you’ve been calling for? Because it doesn’t really look like it.

Yes. I don’t think anyone who use to play Guild Wars: Factions back in 2007, could disagree it was the best in PvP and made it where people wanted to join a guild. Factions made all their PvP missions compulsory for accessing new areas and completing the total game module. CCP could enlist the same type of content to make joining a real player corp necessary to complete. By real corp I mean one with other players in it and not something the player made to bypass the system to reach the goal.

Again, very tough talk for a guy who’s never been in a corp bigger than a couple dozen.

Have you ever noticed how there’s no new powerhouse groups?

None of the top groups are less than a decade old, iirc. And since the top groups already own pretty much everything, and are more than happy to stomp on any new corps working up the ropes, it’s quite unlikely that anyone’s ever going to build a multi-thousand strong organization in the face of their opposition.

I’m not saying it’s good, bad or indifferent that these groups exist and stifle competition. But it’s definitely not a case of “it’s a you problem”.

That would explain where the isk come from to pay his princess.:rofl:

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This is the big issue because “most newbies are alts” so if you start a new corp as an actual newish player, you already have spies onboard and that is just going to go wrong.

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