24/10/2018 - Login Issues - [RESOLVED]

Yeah, I’ve also called my ISP and asked them to refresh my IP lease.

Guess I’ll try again in a few hours.

So you have a static IP. Any chance you have a VPN at your disposal to see if it solves the issue for the time being? (many of the major VPN services offer a free trial without giving any payment info - for a couple of hours up to a day)

Yeah, I’ve tried with a VPN as well. Ping and tracert both return completed tests with no issues, so it must be a DNS problem somewhere.

I can connect on my VM, which is hosted in a different continent.

still can’t login and have been trying for 3 hrs, when is this going to be fixed?

seems to be spiking again the player count is dropping like crazy

I’m having “Encounter error while refreshing token” when I try to login.
Is this associated with the above?

NVM solved from other thread

cancelled sub.

me too can’t log in might as well unsub bye everyone

Its a problem outside their ability to fix permanently, like with chat.